Chapter 1

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He sighed, his breath turning to mist in the cold winter air. He ran his hand through his short brown hair as he turned around. He was lost. Great. He had just moved to a small town in England, right in the middle of nowhere, and this was his first time exploring. The town was small, but big enough to get lost there.

He stood at a crossroads and contemplated what to do. He could wonder around freezing his backside off, or he could ask for directions. He decided on the later. Walking up the next cobbled street, he saw a little coffee shop, tucked away behind an old stone wall that in turn was hiding behind ivy.

The bell above the door jingled merrily as he opened it, Immediately the warm, rich smell of coffee and home baking reached his nose, waking him up completely. The tea room was quite small, with a couple of tables and shelves of books sound the walls. Like the door, all the wooden surfaces were a rich deep mahogany wood, and polished to perfection. The atmosphere was warm and cosy and only broken by he sounds of murmuring and the coffee machine.

Looking around, everyone seemed to be busy. There were students pouring over textbooks, young couples sipping tea and staring into each others eyes, and old couples gazing back on fond memories together.

But there was one girl that caught his attention. She sat by herself, her back facing him, hunched over a steaming mug placed in front of her. Her long dark brown hair was almost exactly the same colour as the wooden furniture, and fell down her back in waves. She wore a red checked shirt, black leggings and ankle length brown leather jodhpur boots. On her wrists were multiple bracelets of all different sizes, colour and shape.

He was drawn to her, and hardly noticed that somehow, he had made his way right behind her. He could smell her too, she smelt of strawberries and honey, and her scent was filling his thoughts.

She turned round.
"Can I help you?"

He was lost for words.
Yay or nay!?

Coffee ShopTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang