Eventually all the apprentices got their warrior names. Emberpaw's new name was Emberwisp and Harepaw's was Hareskip.

"As you know, you will have to sit vigil until morning, and remember, you cannot talk."

The three new warriors nodded eagerly and dashed excitedly to their post.

Shadepaw gaped her jaws in an enormous yawn. Dawn was talking to Poppystar, so Shadepaw just went to the apprentices' den and fell asleep.

Three sunrises had passed since the three apprentices had become warriors. Eclipseheart had left with Dawn. Shadepaw rested under her favorite tree, grooming.

Suddenly, Dappleshine burst through the entrance, his side slowly dripping with blood. "Foxes... Emberwisp, Thislejaw and.... and Frozenpaw need help!" he managed to breathe out. 

The cats panicked, looking for Poppystar to tell them what to do.

"Poppystar's out training Lostpaw!" Tinypuddle gasped.

Bramblepelt stepped forward, his fluffy tabby pelt speckled with white snow. "How many foxes are there?" he asked.

"Too many," Dappleshine replied, shaking.

"Me, Goldenspiral, Clovergaze, Shadepaw, Owlflight, and Softsong will deal with these foxes!" He ordered. "Dappleshine, lead us there."

Dappleshine nodded and sprinted out of camp, the patrol following. Shadepaw's paws fizzed with excitement as she followed her clanmates out of camp. When they arrived, Thistlejaw was getting thrown at a tree. He landed with a thump. Frozenpaw was in the jaws of a fox who was shaking her wildly. Two foxes had Emberwisp cornered at a tree. 

Shadepaw launched herself on the fox tossing Frozenpaw around like prey. "Don't hurt her!" she shrieked. She barreled into the fox, and it let out a yelp of surprise, dropping Frozenpaw on the ground. The fox stumbled as it lost its balance, but quickly regained it. Shadepaw was aware of Clovergaze raking her claws across her flank. Frozenpaw had gotten up, although her neck fur was wet with her blood. Frozenpaw got the other side of the fox and was raking and cursing at it. The fox flung Shadepaw off of its back, and lunged at her. She felt it open the scar on her cheek. She cursed at it and clawed at its ears. She felt it take her scruff for a heartbeat, but then with another yelp, it dropped her and ran. Clovergaze and Frozenpaw had chased it off! Shadepaw looked around at the fighting cats. 

There were only three more foxes. Bramblepelt, Owlflight, Goldenspiral, Softsong, Dappleshine, and Thistlejaw were attacking two foxes while only Emberwisp was aiming desperate blows at another. Shadepaw hurled herself at the fox, but only after it picked up Emberwisp by the hind leg. When she ran into the fox, it crunched down hard on Emberwisp's leg, who yowled in pain. Shortly after the fox realized it was alone, it released Emberwisp. Shadepaw crouched beside Emberwisp, whose breath was shallow. "Emberwisp!" she cried, willing her former friend to open her eyes.

Slowly, Emberwisp's yellow eyes opened. "Shadepaw... I'm sorry," she rasped.

Shadepaw tried to see through the blurring in her eyes. "W-what for?" 

"You thought... you... you did the right thing by killing Eaglestar," she mewed, her voice muted.

The black apprentice rose to her trembling paws when Emberwisp's stopped breathing, blood slowly trickled out of scratches across her belly and side. "Emberwisp, I'm getting Addertail!" 

She was about to rush back to camp, but Goldenspiral blocked her. "She's dead, Shadepaw."

Shadepaw unsheathed her claws. "Get out of my way!" She hissed blindly lashing out at the warrior. She felt teeth meet her scruff as she was torn away from the warrior. With a wail she collapsed at Emberwisp's body, remembering their good moments as young apprentices and kits. "I will never forget you," she vowed silently.  

Warriors: Rising Storm #1: Robin's CallWhere stories live. Discover now