Chapter 4

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Tonight was a half-moon, which meant she was traveling to the Shimmering Pond to become a true medicine cat apprentice. The day before Owlpaw and Rainpaw had received their warrior names: Owlflight and Rainflash. Shadepaw bounced happily next to Addertail, who was obviously getting irritated.

"Calm down, we're almost there," Addertail growled.

Shadepaw kept bouncing. "I just can't wait to meet the medicine cats!"She stopped in her tracks. "What if they don't like me?" Shadepaw's eyes got huge.

"They'll love you, Shadepaw." Addertail continued walking. "Now come on and I'll tell you about them.

Shadepaw slowly padded after the medicine cat, fear creeping through her, like a frightened rabbit. "W-what if Robinheart is there to ambush us?" she whimpered, flattening her ears.

Addertail stopped and got nose to nose with her apprentice. "I will not let your mother hurt you, ever," she vowed. She rasped her tongue over Shadepaw's ear, comforting her. "Not as long as I live." Addertail turned back around and started padding faster ahead. "Come on, Shadepaw, we're gonna be late!"

They finally arrived last at the Shimmering Pond. The medicine cats from the other two clans welcomed them with beckoning tails.

A dark grey tabby tom purred a welcoming. "I see you got a new apprentice, Addertail," he observed. "What's her name?"

Shadepaw stepped nervously forward, fear creeping through her fur at the thought of Robinheart leaping out of the bushes any second and crushing her to the ground. "My name's Sh-shadepaw," she mewed weakly, shivering.

The dark tabby dipped his head, his eyes shining with amusement. "My name's Smokewisp." The tom paused for a couple heartbeats, then continued, "don't worry, we don't bite."

A black-and-white she-cat stepped forward. "We're wasting moonlight, let's hurry." She turned to Shadepaw and greeted, "my name's Minnowleap, CreekClan's  medicine cat." The older she-cat's voice was raspy, and silver furs were collected at her muzzle. She beckoned an orange tom forward, he had yellow eyes, and looked about a moon or two older than her. 

He padded forward, his chest puffed out. "My name is Copperpaw, pleasure to meet you,"

Shadepaw dipped her head to the medicine cats. "I'm looking forward to knowing you all," she said, her fur flattening at getting to know their names. 

Addertail walked up to the Shimmering Pond, followed by Shadepaw. "StarClan, I want you to look at this apprentice." Addertail looked at the stars through the trees. "Teach her your wisdom, and guide her paws down the right path." Addertail looked at Shadepaw in the eye. "Are you ready to share with StarClan?" Addertail question.

"I am ready," Shadepaw said confidently.

The medicine cats began to lay down on the edge of the pond.

Breath stirred in Shadepaw's ear. "Lay down and lap up a drop of water, StarClan will then share with you."

Shadepaw obeyed and laid next to her mentor. The other medicine cats were already in a deep slumber. She lowered her head and lapped up a drop of water, she felt herself drop her head and drift off.

Mist swirled at the edge of Shadepaw's vision. She turned and saw two small kits. The kits slowly padded up to her. "Who are you?" Shadepaw demanded stepping towards them. She could begin to see through the mist and identify that one kit was orange and the other was tortoiseshell and white.

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