Chapter 8- Bullies

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Juliet's pov- Delaney and I walked back to class after lunch. Before we went inside, we went to the bathroom. Polly and her friend Kendall walked up to us. "Well, if it isn't Little Miss 'My Mommy's Dead'." Polly said to me and both of them laughed. "You're probably the reason she's dead, kid. I mean, you're worthless, and I don't even see how your dad wants you in his life." "Hey, leave Juliet alone!" Polly slapped Delaney. "Don't hit her!" I yelled. Polly and Kendall jumped on me and started hurting me. Delaney ran out of the bathroom. I hope she's getting a teacher.
5 minutes later, Delaney returned with our teacher, Mrs. Gisoni. I could barely see. I guess my eyes are swollen. "Oh God. Who did this Delaney?" "Polly and Kendall."
My dad came to get me from the nurses office. He looked at me. "Sweetie, what happened?" "Polly and Kendall said its my fault mommy's dead because I'm worthless and then they started hurting me!"
Matt's pov- Juliet was crying by now. "Come on, let's get out of here." I carried her to the car and we went to the firehouse. When we walked in, everyone gasped. "What happened?!" "Bullies." Brett came over to check her out even though the nurse did. "She is gonna have some pretty nice black eyes, but other than that, she seems fine."

End of 8! Poor Juliet! Enjoy!

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