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Rin: As I promised, here's the picture and by the way that picture isn't mine I just saw it in the net together with my friend Shiina, we both laughed so hard btw credits to the creator SilverXxXSakura visit her at DeviantArt if you would want to  XD

Me: Hahahahahaha

Len: I'm going back to my room, and i'll never talk to you 

Rin: Hey Len, WAIT!

Len: Whatever. I'm going 

*Len ran and Rin chased him*

Miku: Looks like there's some conflict going around here huh?

Me: IKR?

Kaito: Hey, master can you please  continue the story now? It's getting boring...

Me: Sure.


Oh great, now Rinny is making fun of me T_T I was changing my clothes into that embarrasing maid outfit that her friend Shiina brought for her, and why would someone give an outfit like that for Rin's birthday last year. I wonder though, does is fit with me? I'll try it out.

After some few minutes of changing I was just getting ready to go outside the room, until when I opened the door Rin just suddenly came inside and drag me all way out to her changing room.

"Uhm... Rin what are you doing?" I've asked nervously, serioisly I don't know what is going on here... something feels weird

"What else? Giving you a make-up of course :D" She said with a scary look on her face...

"Wait WHAT?! No not my precious face! I LOVE IT AS THE WAY IT IS!" I tried to ran away but I was too late I didn't noticed the handcuffs that Rin made me wear, so I can't ran away.

"Len-kun is sooooo CUTE! Especially with that maid outfit he's wearing" Rin talked to the wall, weird but IT"S SO EMBARRASING! I feel like I'm going to explode here.

"When did you just use *kun* ? We're just born in the same day..." I asked

"Oh Lenny-kuns I'm older than you, well 3 minutes older than you I guess and now that makes you a siscon and you're also a shota" Rin gigled

"Well let's go for the make-up XD" Rin was getting a box which looks like from Shiina's make-up products... WAIT IT IS SHIINA'S, OH I'M SCREWED!

[After well... probably 20 minutes later]

 "Are you happy now?' I asked 

"Yep" Rin responded happily 

We've heard a broken glass from the ground floor but we just ignored it since we thought it was something not important.

"So you do you forgive me know? I asked

"Yep, just don't go with Neru, without me, okay?" She asked 

"Okay" Suddenly she hugs me and in return I hugged her too and slowly, but surely reaching my lips to her lips until... SOMEONE OPENED THE DOOR!

"OH HELLO PEOPLE OF THE WORLD THE QUEEN IS HERE, YES I HATSUNE MIKU HAVE Arriv--ed? The two of us were soooo embarrased especially me because I was still wearing the maid outfit.

"Oh... sorry to interrupt, bye bye" She awkwardly went out from the room and the two of us were just standing like a statue, with a red face and then Miku came back and said 

"By the way, nice dress Len :)" She laughed then walked out from the room...

The room was full of silence... then the rain just started... after that there's a brownout... then my phone just have no battery left... "WHAT DID I HAVE DONE WRONG WITH MY LIFE? I DON'T DESERVE THIS!" I shouted

"By the way... Rin, how did she come inside when we've locked the door?" I asked curiously

"You're right, how did she?, Wait no way DID SHE JUST SMASHED THE WINDOW?!

[Miku's P.O.V before she arrived]

"Kaito, thanks for bringing me here" I've thanked Kaito and gave him a surprise kiss, I don't think he minds it at all, it's like our friendly thingy stuff and before you've misunderstood he's not my BF but... I do want him  to be mine... BUT I'm too busy for that I need to eat more leeks before those stuffs, leeks are yummy some people hates it, I wonder why...

"Sheesh thanks, well gotta go now" He kinda looks red 

"Bye" I waved


Now where are we? Oh look the house is just right over there. I went to the house and then opened the door, but it was locked... hmmm I KNOW! I'll open the door with my lucky leek powers. I ate a leek then punched the door... OUCH! Hmmm I guess this leek is artificial this leek is fake but I wonder how people create artificial leeks...

"Idiot there's no artificial leeks" A boy passed by

"Oh how about I break the glass." I went behind the hose and take some flower pots and trown it away to the window and baammm the plan was a success thanks to the help of the artificial leek that I eaten which made me think about this idea :D

[Third Person Point of View]

And that's the reason how Miku managed to come in and also the reason why Len and Rin heard some glass got broken


Thanks for reading :)



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