Ch4-Fritz Is There

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Here's a new chapter!

Please Enjoy!

At half time the band was out marching.  I thought it looked cool and I wouldn't mind doing it.  I could play a lot of instruments.  So of course when Chace tried to talk to me I ignored him.

"You should go for it. The band directors actually looking for more people." Chace tells me.

I nod slowly, "Really? There's a lot of people out there."

"Half of them are in eighth grade because he doesn't have enough high school kids."

I would love to do marching band but I didn't go to this school.  So I just keep paying attention to everything they're doing.

"Chace!" The girl named Ally yells while running over and sitting next to us.

"Hey Ally."  Chace says in greeting.

I take the time to really look at her.  Now that I knew her and Alex were related I could see all the resemblances.  From far away I thought her hair was just blonde but up close it was just like Alex's, strawberry blonde.

"Hey a new girl!" Ally yells.

I nodded. It seemed like Ally also has the yelling thing in common with her brother.

"I'm just going to tell you that the only one who can get them to stop yelling is Damon." Chace mutters.

"You lie!" Ally yells while swatting at Chace playfully. "Oh how rude, I'm Ally, Alex's twin sister."

I reach out a hand, "I'm Val."

She stares at it and laughs. I slowly bring my hand back but she grabs it and shakes roughly.  Too roughly, fore our hands are wildly swinging around.

"Okay that's enough. You interrupted Val from watching the half time show." Chace tells Ally.

Ally looks at the band then back at me, "Then join. It's no secret that they are looking for more to join!"

"I don't go here. I'm homeschooled." I tell her.

"And get this. She can hand sign!" Chace gushes out, "Fritz was the first to meet her!"

This whole time I hadn't been hand signing because without Fritz here I saw no point.  So when Chace told her she freaked out.  I took this time to ignore my surroundings and look back at the band who were marching in a line off the field.

"Hey you two going to the party tonight!" Ally squealed out.

"I plan on it." Chace tells her.

They both turn to look at me, waiting for my response. It was already late and who knew when this game would end.  I should've already declined but instead I just kept staring.

"Oh you've never been to a party before." Chace says while nodding.

"What!" Ally yells, gathering the attention of others nearby.

"Yeah, Val never leaves her house. This is her first football game." Chace turns to me, "After every home game we all go to Whataburger and then the party. You can join us."

"You should!" Ally yells.

"It's late. My parents are probably really worried so I think I should go home. But maybe next time."

Chace smiles at me, "Yeah definitely next time."

"Oh the teams back on the field. I got to go! See you two later!" Ally yells while running down the bleachers.

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