Chapter 25

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It was late when we got to the beach. I don't really remember how late because it didn't matter.

"Why here?" I asked getting out of the car.

"I love the beach at night. Wanna go somewhere else?"

"No, I was just curious."

We walked to the sand and I took my shoes off. He did the same and laid them next to mine. "Wanna walk?" He asked.

I giggled a bit. He looked at me confused, "what?"

"It's just so cliche!" He laughed a bit.

"I'm offended!" He faked a defensive tone.

"Cliche isn't bad," I said talking normally now.

There was a little bit of silence before he spoke again, "So is that a yes or a no to the walk?"

I just nodded him and followed him closer to the shoreline. It was a beautiful night. The sky was cloudless and you could see so many stars. It was a full moon tonight so the water glittered midnight blue. "Told you it was beautiful." I heard Kyle from beside me. I looked over at him and he was already looking. I just smiled. I seem to be doing that a lot recently. I don't know if I was happy or not. Right now, in this moment, I was. How long would this last though? Nothing lasts forever. It would end eventually and where would I be then? Depressed? Maybe even dead? Maybe that's just the pessimism getting the better of me but there's truth to it. I was snapped from my thoughts when I felt myself being lifted up. I screamed slightly.

I felt Kyle's chest vibrate with laughter. "You don't want to swim?"

I laughed too. "No! Put me down!"

He set me down and I fake pouted. He just ruffled my hair. I stuck my tongue out and we both laughed again. We kept walking side by side.

"You looked deep in thought," Kyle said as he threw an arm over my shoulder.

I looked down a bit, "I was."

"Everything alright?"

That was a loaded question. Not for everyone. For me, yes. Should I lie? Say I'm fine. Or should I say the truth? That I have absolutely no clue. Right now I am. Later I don't know if I will be.

"Right now, yeah."

He looked like he was going to drop it. At least for now. We kept walking in silence, just enjoying our surroundings. There was a pier in front of us and Kyle pointed over to it. "Want to go on the pier?"

I nodded and he took his arm off of my shoulders. I'd gotten used to it being there. I felt his hand again but this time it was lacing its fingers with mine. He pulled me over to the end of the pier.

-Kyle's POV-

I held her hand in mine and walked towards the end of the pier. Something was up with her. Maybe nothing major but earlier there was just a look on her face that gave it away. I didn't want to persist on it but I wanted her to be able to trust me. At least eventually. We sat down on the end and dangled our feet over the edge. I looked over at her. She was looking out at the sky. Her eyes were sparkling with the reflection of the moon and the stars. "Beautiful, right?"

She looked over at me. "It is," she smiled.

"You are too," I said without thinking.

She giggled, "Can you get any more cliche?"

I laughed, "Probably."

She was silent for a moment, looking like she was debating whether or not to continue. "What makes you want to hang out with me?"

I was slightly shocked. Not because of the question but because of the fact she said it. "You're different than the other girls. I like that. You aren't fake or trying to please anyone."

She looked away and back out at the water.

-Skylar's POV-

Different was good? That's new to me. I'm used to being shunned for being different. I don't know what to say now? "Thanks," I said hesitantly. God, Skylar. Just thanks. He just complimented you enough to make you speechless and all you have to say is thanks?

"Lets swim," Kyle suggested.

"In what?"

"Whatever we want."

I shrugged. "Why not?"

I looked over and he was smiling. He took off his shirt and tossed it to the side. I looked away and shortly after I felt a splash of cool water when he jumped in. I took my shirt and pants off quickly and jumped in, feeling self conscious. The water was maybe six feet but I could stand in certain parts. "Skylar?"


"I like you. As more than a friend."

I looked up at him. He couldn't. He can't. Like me? No. Why would he? "Why?" I asked.

He laughed, "Same as I said earlier. You're different. And beautiful." He got closer with each word. He was inches away from me.

"B-but you- you can't. I'm just me," I was stuttering and I probably would have ended up rambling but he kissed me. His hands were both on my face. Not necessarily holding me to him, they were just there. He pulled away with one hand still on my face. "I like you too." My voice sounded scared. I was scared. I was telling him my feelings and I was always scared of that. He smiled.

"So you'd maybe want to do this again sometime?"

"I'd love to."


Yay! I'm on time for once! Anyway, hope you enjoy and thanks for reading

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