"Ok, love you Charlie" I've got to sort this now "Love you too baby bro" hanging up I place the phone in my back pocket and head back to the living room. "What's up?" Cody asks looking curiously at me as I sit down. "Steven's told mom she can't go to Danny's wedding and he's really upset about it. So I said I'd go speak to her about what's going on." He nods "Your such a good sister, do you want me to come with you?" He asks as if he heard Danny mentioning that Steven was in.

Shaking my head I reply "I've got this, I'll be back in two hours max" he nods I grab my car key and purse kiss both Cody and Alex goodbye then head to the unknown.

The closer I get to mom and Steven's house the more nervous I become. "Come on Charlie you can do this. Do it for your brother who was crying down the phone" pulling up into their drive I'm stopped at the gate house by the guard. Rolling down the window I instantly recognise him as Mathew the same guard as the one that used to take me to my friends etc because it meant I was 'safe' "Hello, can I help you?" He didn't recognise me "Yes I'm here to see my mom" he looks me up and down with a hard glare the it softens as a smile appears in its place "Charlie is that you?" Nodding "In the flesh. How you been?" We chat for a couple of minutes before he buzzes me in.

Stepping out of the car was easy, now came the hard part entering the lions den. Slowly my feet carry me to the front door; pressing the obnoxiously high door bell I wait patiently.

The door opens with ease "Can I help you?" The man in front of me asks dressed head to two in what appears to be a black and white butler suit "Yes I'm here to see my mom" he looks me up and down "Right this way Miss Lucas" I follow him inside.

My eyes look around the corridor as we make our way to my mom's office if memory serves me right, there on the wall were pictures of us all smiling like idiots. The closer we got to mom's office the slightly more relaxed I felt.

"Mrs Lucas is expecting you" the butler (definitely not Charles the one that was here when I was growing up anyway) smiles as he opens the door for me. Sure enough mom say there behind her desk with a small stack of paper in her hand "Hey mom" I smile at her she looks up at me looking shattered "Hey sweetie what's up?" I take a seat across from her.

"Well, I'm here to ask you why your not going to Danny's wedding?" She looks down at her hands with guilt etched on her face "I've got an event with your father that I've got to be at that  day." Is she serious her son's wedding should take priority over any stupid event Steven's got. "When the wedding was mentioned before you were able to make it what's changed?" she looks down at her hands in her lap, then back at me.

"I forgot about your dad's event, when I said I was able to make it" I eye her up sensing something isn't quite right "Ok, well I hope when I phone Danny back to tell him what's happened he won't get that emotional he's sobbing down the phone again and I really hope that he realises what Steven's caused." Her eyes are filled with guilt and unshed tears "Was he sobbing when he phoned you?" I nod "He was mom, I expected these things from Steven but not you."

"Hello honey, we need to leave soon"  his voice sent shivers down my spine causing me to freeze where I was "Ok, dear. I've laid out your fresh suit on the bed for you" she smiles at him (I was looking at her, unable to look at him).  I hear him leave, "So mom are you going to tell him that your going to your son's wedding?"

"No because I promised him I'd be by his side for the event." Yes I understand that they are married and that they still love each other but Danny is your son,your own flesh and blood you should be there for him. "Mom, I've got to ask you something and I need you to honestly answer it." She nods "Did Steven force you into not coming to Danny's wedding?" She shakes her head but doesn't make eye contact with me, that's all the answer I needed.

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