Anniversary Date

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December 8, 2013

It's our anniversary!

Nothing much happened. But yah... He gave me flowers, for the first time.

We had dinner in one of the well-known restaurants near a seaside beach. We talked about our families, relatives and friends. I was just quite surprise when he mentioned about my friends that I always talked with during Fridays. He said he saw me together with them several times in one of the coffee shops. The first time he saw me was the time which he wasn't supposed to be there but the queue were long in the coffee shops near the building where he work so he decided to go a little further to search for another where the line is not too long.

I asked him why he didn't approached me. He just shrugged and said "You looked pretty much enjoying yourself so I didn't bothered." He then sipped his wine. "So how about work? Are you enjoying it too? How about your officemates? Are they nice to you? I bet you met a lot of people."

I ate a spoonful of salad and nodded. "Yah... I did. They're all nice to me. And yes, I'm enjoying it." I said while digesting the food on my mouth.

"I see..." He replied

(A moment of silence)

"That's good to know" he then added with a quick smile but he seemed sad. I looked into his eyes and he did the same. My, my, I really love this man. I smiled at him and lift my glass of wine. "Well, happy anniversary." We tossed and smiled the more.

We came home a little drunk. I showered first. I was supposed to wait for him to finish his shower but the tiredness from work consumed me as I felt the comforting covers of our bed. And so I fell asleep.

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