chapter 3- Love me forever

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So uh i'm not really into SMUT and all of that chazz. So i skipped all of that here :) so READ. I know i know i'm a granma but i don't really care for smut. AND ITS MY STORY SO :3 love you amazing ducklings, cupcakes...what should i call you guys? SNAians? SNAfans? SNAers? idk drop a cheerio telling me your thoughts on what i should call you.

i now have an go ask me questions!!! i'll be on for a few.

#Harrlilah or #Darry and etc


Delilah's POV.

My eyes fluttered open, and a gasp escaped my lips. I sat up quickly, and i looked to my right. Harry was lying against the sheets, sprawled out, his arms where i had just been. He looked peaceful, and happy as he slept. he had a content smile on his lips, and they were slightly parted as he small snores escaped them. My eyes trailed down to his never ending torso, and then i instantly remembered what had happened. what we had done. My eyes widened as i began to see flashbacks, and i jumped out of the bed, bringing the sheets wrapped around my naked body tightly. I walked over to the closet, too look for clothes, but something stopped me as i walked by the full length mirror. I walked backwards, back to to the mirror, and i stared in awe as i looked into the glass. I looked into the crimson eyes of a beautiful girl. My eyes fell to her thin body, and the her alabaster skin. It was so pale, but not terribly. I looked up at her caramel curls falling in every direction around her head. Her hair reached just above her hips, swaying as she moved. My eyes raised back up to hers. I had one hand securely around the sheets, keeping them up around my body, and I took my free hand and touched my lips. The girl in the mirror did the same. I gasped, not able to believe who she was. That's me, but how? She's so beautiful? i've never been so beautiful. Something moved in the mirror from behind me. I looked as it became closer and closer to me. I let my eyes adjust on the figure behind me. His dark curls, his fascinating green eyes, and then his toned torso. His plump pink lips formed up into a smile as he reached me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and he rested his head on my shoulder as he planted kisses up my jawline. He then turned his head, and looked into the mirror. our eyes meeting in the glass. "Beautiful." he whispered. I felt my lips turn into an uncontrollable smile as his raspy voice escaped from his lips. I watched as his plump lips moved with the words as he talked. A smirk formed on his lips as he had registered what I had been doing. He chuckled slightly, his rattling in his chest vibrating against the exposed skin of my back. I then looked down at my feet to realize i still only had on the white silk sheet. My eyes widened, and i un-wrapped myself from Harry's strong arms. I held the sheet tightly around me, and i walked over to the closet, and closed the door. I let go of the sheet and it fell to my feet in a bundle. I then found my clothes, and quickly got dressed.

When i exited the closet door, i immediately noticed that Harry was no longer in front of the mirror. I peered around the corner to see if he had returned to the bed. Nope. "hmm." i mumbled as i went to the door, and turned the knob. i walked down the dark, long, hallway, passing all the many doors. i turned the corner, and faced the stairway. I flew down the wooden stairs quickly, until i reached the end. I faced the living room. I looked at the empty couch, and the tv that was pitch black. I turned around, and made my way into the kitchen. Nothing. Not a soul was there. I then turned back around, and walked back through the living room, and i faced the white back-door, and looked through the small window. I then saw the familiar mop of curls. I found him in the exact place i had yesterday. He was just standing on the white, melting snow, his hands in the pockets of his jeans, and his shoulders moving up and down slowly. I put my hand on the door, and turned it. His head flipped, to look at me. As soon as his eyes landed on me, a smile instantly formed onto his lips. I mirrored his actions, and i quickly walked up to him. I stood in front of him, looking into his pools of green. His smirk remained as he inched towards me, pressing our noses together. we just stood like this, staring at each other in the eyes, with smirks playing on both of our lips. "I love you." I whispered, the words leaving my mouth without me even having to think. He chuckled, and inched closer, driving my stomach nuts. "I love you too." He replied in his deep British accent. He then pressed his lips to mine lightly, having no force. They moved in sync against each other. It was a passionate kiss, nothing forceful, just enough and sweet. Perfect is the word i would use to describe it. I pulled away, and i just looked into his eyes, and i traced every inch of his existence with my eyes. I watched as his dimples were exposed as a even wider smile inched onto his lips. "Can i ask you something?" his voice broke me from my thoughts. My eyes flew back up to his face, and i nodded. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me if it was even possible. "Love me forever." he whispered. I smiled as i met his eyes once again. "of course." I replied truthfully. his hand found mine, and he brought it in front of his lips, before he planted a kiss to the top. "Do me a favor?" he asked, his eyes gazing into mine. I nodded, wondering on what else he could ask for. His bottom lip was bitten by his top teeth as he fished on his words. "anything." I whispered.
A smile tugged on his plump lips, and his mouth soon opened to form the words.

"Marry me."

She's one of us •Harry Styles•AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt