"Don't you ever talk about Charlotte like that ever again! Call her a bitch all you want to but so help me god I will beat the living shit out of you if you ever say something like that again!" I hear Henry yell. I turn around to see him walking away furiously with Jasper fuming behind him. They walk in my direction. Henry walks straight passed me and mutters out 'come on'. Jasper walks right passed me as well and I just follow them. I follow them all the way to our lockers. 

"What happened?" I ask softly.

"Those guys were talking about you, saying you'd be easy to get to. That you'd probably give it up to any of them if they just winked at you." Jasper replies and Henry yells out in frustration. That kinda hurts that people think that of me, it's probably cause I'm a huge geek. I sit on the floor and get lost in my thoughts.

Who else thinks of me like that? Do I come off as easy? Why easy though? Is it the way I dress? How I talk? Is it just me? Better yet, were they planning on trying to get me to- oh gosh! What if they had? 

"Hey Char, chill. Relax." Jasper says snapping me out of my thoughts. I look down to see he's holding my fists and I just breathe, calming myself down. I look up to see Henry still mad, pacing back and forth.

"Hey Hen sit with us." I call out to him and he does it. We sit against the lockers with me in the middle. 

"I gotta go soon, I'm spending second half of lunch with my baby." Jasper says with a blush and I smile.

"Go get 'er tiger." Henry says and Jasper gets up, running off to wherever he needs to be. I turn my head to look at Henry.

"They shouldn't have said those things. You are worth working for to win over." Henry says angrily and I place my hand on his arm. He looks at me and I see that flare in his eyes slowly change to a twinkle.

"It's okay, we know it and that's all that matters." I say and he nods. I lay my head in Henry's lap and close my eyes. He starts playing in my hair and then I'm out.


Just like that Charlotte is sleeping. I eventually just leave my right hand in her hair and pull out my phone with my left and then I switch hands. I open my messages to see I have a text from Bianca. She's asking where I am and why I defended 'Charlothot'. Wow, that's the best she could come up with? I roll my eyes and just delete my messages. The second half bell rings and the halls remain empty. 

Why am I still dating Bianca? She literally brings out every bad emotion within me. She's changed and I'm just clinging onto this hope that the Bianca I adored is still in there. I think she is, I hope she is. I just can't believe she changed like this. She was so sweet and she'd never hate anyone even if they did something horrible. She found it in her to forgive them. I miss that Bianca. But she's not coming back. I can't bring myself to break up with her. I'll give her a chance to change. If there's no improvement withing a few weeks I'm gonna have to end it with her. I unlock my phone and send a text to her.

So I don't like this new you and I'm giving you a few weeks to get your act together or we're over.

She replies almost instantly.

Bianca- I know I'm sorry, it's just you know life at home is hard and I'm not really good with school and all these emotions just pop up out of nowhere. I'm sorry bae, forgive me please.

I sigh heavily and reply to her text.

Yeah I know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't put more pressure on you, I'm not gonna break up with you, why don't you come over for the rest of the week after school and I'll help you out, take your mind off of things? We can chillax. 

Damn, I shouldn't have said that without asking if that was cool with Char. I'm gonna have to make this up to her, fuuuck. A dinging sound brings me out my thoughts.

Bianca- Ooo def! I'm so excited, should I bring something? Condoms? Handcuffs? Lotion? Coronas?

What the fuck? Why is she asking that shit? We haven't fucked and I don't plan on fucking anytime soon. Well now I  know she's a little kinky and she knows I hate the taste of Corona. Ugh, she's probably used to chill meaning other things. What happened to her over the summer? 

Um no I literally mean chill like watch some movies, eat popcorn, drink soda 

Bianca- Oh okay, pretty boring but that'll work. Make sure we remain uninterrupted ya know just in case a certain pair of lips find another. 

She's trying to be seductive and it's just not working for her. I cringe and just delete our whole thread. I go back to playing in Char's hair with both hands. Then I get bored for a little while, I lean my head back against the lockers and close my eyes. I start imagining things.

There's me, Jasper and Charlotte. We're in a restaurant and food is coming towards us. Chloe is carrying the food, she sets it down and I dig right in. Jasper hugs Chloe and she giggles. Char rolls her eyes and start to eat. Jasper and Chloe start acting all lovey dovey. Gross, I stop eating and Char looks at me. Then she stops eating. I notice how gorgeous she actually is. I put my hand on her neck and pull her face close to mine. She smashes her lips against mine and jumps onto me. I catch her and hold her up by grasping her waist. She wraps her legs tight around my waist and I let hers go. I move one hand to her butt and squeeze it causing her to jump slightly and open her mouth, giving me the opportunity to give her a kiss of a lifetime. 

Wait what? My eyes shoot open and I look around the empty hallway. I look down to find Char is sound asleep. Did I really just imagine all of that? Aww fuck, why is my best friend so damn attractive? I groan and pull out my phone. I plug in my headphones and put my music on shuffle. Ironically the first song that plays is Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat. I quickly change the song and of course Back That Ass Up by Juvenile plays. I listen to it for a while and then I start thinking, Char's ass would feel rather nice. 

Ack! Fuck! I change the song again and this time a song that doesn't apply to me comes on, Panda. Of course however the bell rings and I groan. I wake Char up and she tries to go back to sleep. I just put her over my shoulder, which wakes her up, and she hits my back and screams the whole way to class. The best part though, I got to touch that ass.

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