Coffee Date - Clint Barton

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It had been completely on a whim, and not by your own choice. One moment, you were complaining about how bored you were. The next, your friend had called a random contact on her phone and was whisking you about to get ready. 

You had to admit, you looked pretty good. Your (H/C) hair had decided to be curly today, so you had just pulled back a few front pieces with a barrette. You wore a long black cardigan and a (Y/F/C) dress underneath. The dress had a little frill, but not too much, and spaghetti straps. Light lace tights and a warm pair of boots topped off the look. The boots had been your idea, as your friend wanted you to wear heels. You said "Hell no," and walked out the door. 

The coffee shop that had been chosen was small, but comfortable. It was cozy enough that two lovebirds might brush legs, or hold hands just a little longer than the usual handshake. It was romantic to say the least, fairy lights mixed with regular bulbs were strung along the walls. The least romantic part, however, is that your date was just under thirty minutes late. You sat in a fairly comfortable chair in the back, but the wrought iron was beginning to hurt your back. You leaned your head to the left and rested it on the windowpane, but your head snapped up every time the doorbell chimed.

Finally, just about an hour late, your date walked in the door. He matched up your friend's description. Tall, dark haired, tan. He was attractive, you'd give him that. But his face was completely forgotten as you realized how late he was. He walked over to you with a smirk, not-so-subtly looking you up and down. You internally gagged, but decided to give him a chance. 

"David," he said, holding out his hand for you to shake.

"(Y/N)," you replied softly, shaking his hand before sitting back down and smoothing out your dress. 

The waitress walked over, and your couldn't help but notice David looking straight down her shirt. Your rolled your eyes and rested your chin on your hand. 

"What'll it be for you two?" The waitress smiled, pulling a notepad out of her pocket. 

"I'll have a coffee, two sugars," David replied, and looked over to you.

"I'll--" Just as you began to speak, he completely cut you off.

"She'll have a Chai tea, three creamers." Your face turned to one of complete shock, not even noticing the ringing of the doorbell. 

- - Clint POV - -

One of my favorite parts of this city was this coffee shop. You have no idea how happy I was to find out that the alien attack didn't even touch the place. I liked walking up and seeing the couples in the windows, and the warmth that just sort of radiates out of the place. 

Looking ahead, I could see a tall guy meeting up with girl. They looked cute together, but not quite a fit. I watched him interrupt her, and as soon as she looked up in shock I knew I had to step in. 

- - Your POV - -

A man walked up to your table, took one look at your date and then grabbed your hand, pulling you out of your seat. By now the entire cafe had gone silent, as the chair had made quite the clatter as you were pulled up. The stranger had sandy blond hair, a fairly tan complexion, and cloudy blue eyes that glared straight at your date. His hair was close cut, and a faint amount of stubble shown on his chin and upper lip, which was now curved into a smile. Your eyes traveled back to his, which glittered with mirth. 

"Hey," he said, and then promptly kissed you right on the lips. 

You weren't sure why you were kissing him back, or why your arms had naturally placed themselves around his neck. You pulled away and laughed, seeing your jerk of a date stalking out of the building. 

"What was that for?" You blushed, but didn't remove you hands from around his neck, just as his hands still rested protectively on your hips.

"No boy should think himself above his girl," He shrugs, and you laugh. "Besides, nobody should have to drink tea when coffee is available."

"Amen!" You agreed with a laugh. "Wanna get a coffee with me then, stranger?"

He looked confused for a moment, before realizing that you didn't know his name.

"Clint is fine, ma'am," He grins.

"Then (Y/N) is fine by me, Clint."

Clint surprised you by placing a chaste kiss to your lips, then leading you back to your seat. You laughed, and Clint kept you laughing the entire time. Soon hours had passed, and you both agreed you should head back to your respective homes. He stood first, helping you put on your light coat. 

"So, Clint, is this a date?" You sent a light smirk in his direction.

"Nah," He replied, and you frowned before seeing his smile. "But next time... that's gonna be a real date."

You nod in agreement, pressing a kiss to his cheek. You couldn't seem to wipe a grin off of your face as he lead you out of the warm cafe. You went to walk back home as you felt his hand grab yours gently, turning you back towards him. His lips placed a gentle kiss to your temple, and his grin was replaced by a gentle smile. 

"Walk home safe, alright?" Butterflies erupted in your stomach, and you nodded.

- - - -

"So... how was your date? Don't think I can't see that smile!" Your friend nearly jumped you as you walked in the front door.

"You gotta tell me, how was the date?" 

"Horrible," You replied with a grin.

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