I grinned as I made my way over to him

"Nikki." He says in his deep smooth voice

I nodded as I smiled .

"Wassuh , I'm Troy." He says as he grabs my suitcase putting it in the trunk

"Nice to meet you." I say as I waited for him to open my door which he did letting me in the back .

He gets in the driver seat as he looks back thru the rear view mirror adjusting it then starting the engine while aksing me

"To where?"

"Let's go take a tour in Manhattan while I do a lil shopping."

He nods as we pull off .


Kash POV :

I hopped out the Hummer as I grabbed the black duffel bag from out the trunk while I went towards the glass doors

I walked inside as I saw all good looking Hispanic woman walking around wearing a short tight skirt , button down shirt , and blazer with some heels in all types of colors .

"Welcome to Endelgence Papí, how can I help ya?" Says one of the Hispanic woman with some big breast that look as if they were about to bust out of her shirt

"Yeah names Kash , I'm here to see Guy." I say leaning my right elbow on the front desk as I hold a good grip onto the duffel bag with my left hand

She nods as she smiles then makes a phone call

"Yes sir , there's a man by the name of Kash here to see you." She says into the phone

"Yes , okay sir." She says hanging up

"He'll be waiting for you in room 889 , on the eighth floor all the way down the hall on your right side when you exit the elevator." She informs me

"Thanks." I say as I tapped the desk making my way towards the elevators

As I pressed for the button and waited , the doors finally open seconds later

I hopped in as I pressed the eighth floor and waited for the doors to close as I listen to the classy music that was playing for the remainder of time

Everything was going thru my head all at once at the moment

Lee , Javier , Mama Davis , Mase , this nigga Ghost , and even that punk ass pimp Snake aka Matthew

I felt like I had so much on my plate at the point , everything just felt like it was falling apart every time I tried to make things right especially with Lee

It's just like she doesn't really give a fuck about our relationship and how far I'm willing to go with her

She already had my seed and was iffy about that and now she's telling me things that's making me regret why I even propose to her

I just don't know what to do at this point

The doors slowly open as I hold tight to the duffel bag while I walked towards my direction

I came face to face to a silver metal glass door as tapped on it twice

"Come in." I heard him say as I twist the door knob open to discover him sitting down in front of his desk while sipping on some Brandy filling out files .

"Its nice to see ya Kash , its been a while." He says without giving eye contact

I nodded , "Yeah I know."

"So what brings you here to me today?" He says finally looking up at me raising his eyebrows as he leans back in his chair crossing his left leg over his right while putting his hands together as if he's about to pray

I sighed , I hate asking this man for a favor

"I need ya help." I started off

"I'm listening."

"50 G's." I stated already knowing I caught his attention

"What yo want done?"

"I want you to set up a trap for that nigga Ghost for me , but don't kill him let me do the honors."

"What's the reason why?"

"Why does it matter , are you down or what?" I asked him scrunching my nose up as to why he asking these questions

"I'm down , but how do you want me to handle this?"

"Don't know , don't care figure it out and give me a call when ya did yo part." I say standing up sitting the duffel bag with 50 G's in it on his desk

He nodded as I made my exit

Addicted 2 You (Urban Sequel)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя