Hope for a New Dawn

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A whisper on the wind,

Of a tale that starts a spark.

Could it be?


At first just a few sentences,

Spoke casually with ease.

But soon blooming,


Into something new.

I enter cautiously,

Aware of the hurt and pain,

Brought about this same way.

Soon those few words,

Transform like a butterfly.

Stretching out its wings,

Preparing to take flight.

Like skipping a rock,

It must be done with great skill.

Hoping that the pebble will skim atop the water's surface,

As far as the eye can see.

And that it will not just sink down to the bottom,

Forgotten, and unobserved.

Shared smiles during class,

Conversations had more frequently.

A warm ember starts to glow in my heart,



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