Cara: I am thinking  of discontinuing my medicines.

What!? Not now!!

Kendall: Cara it's essential for you. You have to take them.

Cara: No! Why should I? If you won't eat that's essential for you then why should I?

I stared at her in confusion and she gestured to my pancake.

Kendall: I am not hungry.

Cara: Eat.

Kendall: Cara.

She glared at me and for once I actually got scared.

Cara: Eat or I won't take my medicines. Simple.

I gave out a sigh and started eating the pancake. No scratch that. I filled my mouth with pancakes and quickly ate it all. After I finished she gave me a wide grin and I rolled my eyes.

Kendall: Blackmailing won't take you far.

Cara: Well it got you to eat...

She said cheekily and I chuckled at her. My phone started ringing.

Nick calling...

Cara gestured me to answer it and I walked out to talk because I know what the topic of conversation would be.

Nick: I heard.

Kendall: Dad?

Nick: He will, in about an hour.

I sighed as I placed all the dirty dishes in the sink for the help to wash it later. 

Kendall: What are we going to do?

Nick: I and dad will... You take care of Cara. I am coming to London to settle this all anyway.

Kendall: Wait! How do you know about Cara?

Nick: I am your elder brother. Atleast give me credit for it.

I could practically hear the smirk that has formed on his face.

Kendall: Jerk!!

Nick: Your brother, none the less...

I disconnected the call at his cockiness. I walked to Cara's room and took out the first aid box to replace her bandage. I walked to her with the box and opened her, well, my shirt. Again the bandage fucked my mind. Why? Why did it had to be Cara?

I replaced her bandage without crying which was an achievement. Cara did stiffen sometimes when the pain struck her.

Kendall: I need a shirt for you. Where can I find it?

Cara: Right in front of you.

Sh said gesturing to my shirt.

Kendall: You wore it for the night. It's time to change it.

Cara: NO!

She said rather shouted. I looked at her a little weird.

Cara: I mean, your shirt is very comfortable.. the material is so good.


Kendall: Okay. As you say.

I put the shirt back on her and cleaned the room a little. She sat there staring at me the whole time. When I was done I took my postion on the bed beside her. She faced me.

Cara: What was it that you were upset about earlier now?

I narrated her the wole story and she gasped. I shrugged. Nick and dad are handling this. No way they will let AyKa suffer for no justified reason.

Kendall: Do you want to do something? To pass your time??

Cara: Yeah... Pole dancing looks tempting..

She said and wiggled her eyebrows. I just rolled my eyes.

Kendall: It's nice to see that you want to see me in a tight shorts and then you want me to pole dance for you.

Cara: Okay... Fine! Lap dance??

I smacked her arm and she chuckled.

Cara: COD

She said smirking and I nodded copying her facial expression. I quickly set the game up and Cara took the remote control. Her fingers were perfectly mobile. So she had no problem playing.

Kendall: I should warn you, I don't get too much time to play. So maybe I might suck.

Cara: Don't worry little child. They didn't cast me in their video for nothing.

She said and smirked as she pressed play.



I just came up with the most awesome plot for a new story. It's going to be cracking!!! 😈

I'll start it when I am done with this story.

Another Chance. [Sequel Of 'Her'] Where stories live. Discover now