V - Bloody Demands

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Jasper had a hard time getting dressed on his own once he finally got out of bed, and balancing on one foot most of the time hadn't made it any easier. After dressing in black trousers, he pulled on socks and buttoned his sage vest on top of a white blouse. When his dark shoes were on as well, Jasper limped slowly to his wardrobe and took an ivory walking stick from the back. His young cousins William and Lily had gotten it for him a couple years ago, and while he never thought there would be a day when he actually put it to any use, Jasper was rather glad he had it now that his foot couldn't take the pressures of walking properly without support.

Getting a feel for the fitted grip of the stick, Jasper breathed easily before taking his first step with it. The pain wasn't too bad, but if he put too much force into his walk, he was sure the stitches Timothy had provided him would come undone.

At last leaving his chamber, he stepped out and was immediately greeted by Alexander. "Have you been waiting here this entire time?" Jasper asked.

"Yes, my lord," he answered, "I was going to take your dishes to the kitchen to be cleaned." When he spotted the cane in the Master's hand, Alexander looked almost tempted to ask why all of a sudden it was needed, but he simply moved by to gather the tray he'd brought earlier with Jasper's breakfast and tea.

The Master did know; however, that there were two people in the manor who would question him without a doubt, and he was on his way to meet with them now.

Probably the slowest he has ever moved in his life, Jasper made his way down to the main floor. He could already hear Darcy and Juliette giggling amongst one another. They were having a vibrant conversation about Timothy Creel, chatting on regarding the supposed manner he ogled the Master throughout the other day, and when Jasper stepped into the day room, they immediately shut their mouths before bursting into a fit of giggles. "You ladies seem to be having a nice chat," Jasper said.

"Oh, it was nothing serious, my dear," Darcy said with a smile. "We only admired the charming glint in Mister Creel's eyes," she lowered her voice, "whenever he laid his stare upon you. It was quite obvious if you looked at the right moments."

"Indeed," Juliette added to the teasing, "It is unfortunate that he has left us so early."

"Yes, yes," Darcy pouted her lip. "Perhaps we should invite him over more often. If only we knew the location of his home, I would send a letter right away." Taming her amusement, Darcy finally took notice of the walking stick in her husband's hand, and especially the limp he carried as he entered the room. "Oh, my, has something happened to your leg?"

"It is nothing to fret over," Jasper reassured, "I was clumsy last night after leaving the library, and twisted my ankle rather terribly going for the stairs. Please, I am alright."

"How luckless," Darcy rutted her brow, "I wished for you and Juliette and I to go for a walk today in the city. We can always go another day, I suppose."

"You are not obligated to wait for me, my Lady," Jasper said. "If you and Juliette wish to leave the manor for a while, there is no need for you to stay home. I encourage you to do as you please."

"Alright, then," Darcy said as she stood, "I will be sure to bring you home something nice. If I am lucky, perhaps it will be tall and handsome, and refer to himself as Timothy."

Jasper shook his head with a smirk he couldn't fight. Darcy never failed to make him smile even when he was feeling his lowest, and right about now, he would much rather be laid in his bed rather than up and about. His foot ached horribly and there was a faint pain in his head. But he wasn't going to lie to himself, it would give him temporary peace to see Timothy again. He swore there was nothing tenuously romantic to the desire, but he did want the opportunity to speak with him about last night.

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