Facebook Chat #4

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Maria Torres has a new status:  There are too many MORONS in this world!  UGH!

                                                                    Gabe Cunningham and three others like this.

Gabe Cunningham commented:  Finally someone understands what I have to deal with during work!

CR-S01 commented:  Maria, why are you so mean?

Hank Freebird commented:  No one in the world is a moron.  It is all about perspective.  We should try to love those around us.

Naomi Kimishima commented:  Had a bad day, Maria?  Trust me, I deal with morons too.

Little Guy has a new status:  I just wish I had the nerve to tell her how I feel.

                                                                 Ian Holden and eighteen others like this.

Naomi Kimishima commented:  Oh Little Guy, tell who how you feel?

Maddy Mulreaney (sorry, I couldn't resist!) commented:  I speek for every person in the world right now:  JUST TELL HER!! :D :D PLEEEAAAASE!

Ian Holden commented:  Agent, I think you should man up and tell her already.

Gabe Cunningham:  I'd like to know exactly who you want to tell.

CR-S01 has a new status:  ...Believe....?

                                                                      Chief and two others like this.

Hank Freebird commented:  Yes, believe.  Believe in hope that you will succeed.

Maria Torres commented:  Um....What does that even mean, idiot!?

Chief:  Yeah!  That's the spirit! Believe in saving lives!

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