Verse I

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I've always been impulsive. Irrational, emotional. Not really much of a conscience to be honest. And when it comes to those damn relationships, it makes everything worse. Which is how I got here. At a near deserted gas station, manned by a rather nice old geezer. Couldn't tell you what the town down the road is, but its definitely not on any map. In other words, "tiny village" would be an overstatement. But I guess I can't complain, the people here must be nice. At least Phil, the old man is since he gave me my smokes at half price. God knows I needed them. Stranded in the middle of absolute nowhere because of a selfish girl, a little nicotine could go a long ways for my patience.

Her name is pointless, what matters is disappearing as far from her as possible. Since that night, getting away is all I can focus on. That, and hoping my face doesn't end up on the bounty list. It's surprising what a little alcohol, and a dash of lust will get you into when an ex decides to show up out of the blue. I'm not too worried though, this isn't the first blood I've spilled. Don't get me wrong, I feel horrible about what happened! Poor druggy didn't know what he was getting into. Neither of them knew my secret, so I can't blame them. It does help to know that his spirit isn't in danger though, I made sure of that. But I have to stop thinking about it, nothing is going to change. Nothing ever has in the past. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts the best I could, which isn't easy with the mind I have. I started walking easy again after a warm goodbye to the geezer, and left the gas station. Packing my cigarettes, each tap to my palm in rhythm with every step I took. I stole a minute to pop the collar on my jacket before releasing a stick from the pack and lighting it up. Smoking never felt so good before, being as its been almost a week since my last pack. I know my kind shouldn't do things like smoke, drink, lust, take lives. But every day I'm here, I feel more and more human. Missing my kingdom less and less.

I really wouldn't mind Earth so much if those moments of happiness would last. I guess I'm just not meant to live like the rest of you, and I accept that. I finally came across the interstate after a couple cigarettes and my mp3 dying from a half charge. I put my headphones around my neck and walked along the shoulder. Music wouldn't do much good here anyway, the bloody semi's are too loud for even those expensive headsets. I know I could try and hitch a ride, but what's the point. I don't age, I have literally all the time in the world. Though even I don't know how much longer this world has. Surely there's plenty of time for me to get to New York. That's where I can hide a little better than the rural Midwest. More people, thicker crowds, the best camouflage.

As I kept up a good pace, I decided to see how much money I had left from my last job assisting the power line crew. Forty-two bucks left. Ought to last a little while. A carton of cheap smokes, and whatever else I could need, given I pack light. Not that I'm worried about being weighed down, I have more strength than ten bodybuilders. Even if I look slim and vulnerable. It's just that carrying a lot makes one more identifiable, and its more to deal with. I keep telling myself that, irony is, a long black haired 19 year old with a collared jacket, black ragged jeans with chains, pretty easy to distinguish. Not that I haven't tried to change my physical appearance, just doesn't work. My body repels everything I try, including hair dye as girly as it sounds.

I was just coming up on the next town when my body failed me. I fell to my knees as my head began to pound and scrape on the inside. Flashbacks of that night flooded my vision. The girls porcelain skin, the rum bottles, and the ex knocking the door down. For the thousandth time, I saw the blood cover the walls. Her terrified face. His wasn't much better. I relived the feeling of my wings stretching. Pure white. My hands tearing his soft body apart. Then I saw why I snapped. My blood was the first to be drawn. Or, so it would have been if I had any. Instead the bullet hole just sealed itself up, and everything turned red. Like I said, they didn't know I wasn't like them. How could they? So few things separate the superficial parts between humans and angels.

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