Chapter 5 - The Search Continues

Start from the beginning

Selina: Alright, looks like we have every-- Bumblebee?

I looked over at Bumblebee's hologram and he was wearing a little apron and chef hat of his own. It was kind of funny actually.

Bumblebee: What? Too much?

Selina: No Bumblebee it's perfect! Alright, lets get cooking! You tell me the steps alright?

Bumblebee: Got it! First we dice up some lovely green onions, then we beat two eggs, organic is the best, and no dish is complete without a little octopus!

Selina: Octopus?

Bumblebee: Selina I know what I'm doing! Who's the master chef here?!

Selina: Alright if you say so.


I brought out two plates of snacks out to the living where everyone else was sitting.

Selina: Don't be shy you guys! They're best when they're hot!

I set both plates down on the table and everyone looked at the meal in shock.

Madalyn: Whoa! That looks great!

Najat: Oh I love Takoyaki!

Ravage's hologram appeared on Najat's shoulder again and he jumped up on to the table and looked at the food with curiousity.

Ravage: Takoyaki?

Najat: They're kind of like Japanesse hamburgers. They're very, very, good! Trust me.

Emanuel: I don't mean to sound rude but I like my hamburgers with a little less octopus thank you very much. Call me crazy!

Iestyn: Where did you guys learn to cook like this?

Selina: Well, me and Bumblebee watch a lot of cooking shows on TV. It's very inspiring.

Iestyn: Do you think I could get the recipe?

Bumblebee: Sorry! That's our little secret! Well, us and about 30,000 other viewers.

Madalyn: Well, down the hatch! I'm starving!

I watched Madalyn take a bite of one of the Takoyaki's and there was a very happy look on her face. Next thing I knew, she practically devowered 5 more of them. The others started joining in on the feast and they were all very impressed.

Emanuel: You know these are good!

Iestyn: No kidding!

David: Its the soft texture of the outer coating! And the octapus is to die for!

Selina: I think we suceeded Bumblebee! Everyone looks a lot more happier now.

Bumblebee: The credits all yours Selina. If it wasn't for your inspiration, none of this would have worked!

Madalyn: Well that hit the spot! Thanks for the food Selina!

Najat: Yeah, thanks a lot!

Iestyn: That was very nice of you.

Emanuel: I feel a whole lot better now!

David: Me too.

Bumblebee: You rock Selina!

Selina: Aw stop it!

I started blushing at that point. I was happy but also a bit embarrassed at the same time.


A few minutes later everyone was getting ready for bed. Iestyn, Najat, and Emanuel helped me clean up the dishes in the kitchen. I walked in with the final pile of dishes.

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