Party pooper

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"Danny! Come on in!" I said as school finished. "Oh yeah, right! We have a party to prepare!" He said. And by that, he meant "let's start drinking". We went to my house and Danny asked my dad for some strong liquors. To my dad, Danny was the son he never had. He started drinking but I did not since I was driving. "Okay, how about we go parked in front of his house and start drinking there?" He suggested. I laughed but I didn't think it was a bad idea.  "Mom, dad! We're leaving!" I shouted.

"Danny!" I heard Ally shout. God could she be obnoxious! I went to my car and drove home. I lived in a small appartment with two cats. Ziggy is stupid and Whiskey doesn't like anyone. I texted Rose as soon as I arrived. "What time the party at?" I typed. I unlocked my door and the cats jumped on me. "Give me a minute! Food will be ready soon!" I said out loud. My phone vibrated. "7pm! Get ready soon 'cause I'm coming to pick you up!" Rose texted me. I went to my room after feeding the cats and I chose some clothes to put on. I went for a casual black dress and black boots. I put some make up on and heard a horn going off. "Coming!" I screamed. She probably didn't hear me. It was pretty stupid, but I did it anyway!

We arrived pretty early. Even the hostest wasn't ready! "Pass me that!" I said to Danny as he took a sip of vodka. I took a big gulp and gave it back to Danny. Soon, other cars arrived and entered the "party house". Danny and I waited for Josh and Joe, but as always, they were late. Danny took his phone out and called Joe. "Heeeey! You're late. Hurry up please." He said and hang up. Yeah, he was already drunk or soon to be. We got out of the car until we were tired of waiting. As we walked towards the door, Danny stopped right in the middle of the street. "Wait! Don't move!" He said seriously. "Why?" I asked. "Your friend Stevie is in that car." He said. "Okay just walk Danny. I don't care about Stevie." I said. And after I said her name, Josh and Joe came running to our sides. "We're here!" They both said. "Let's go. I need a drink." I said as we resumed our walk to the door of the house.

It was pretty late and people around me were not sober anymore. Rose had disappear with Rosie and I was left alone in the crowd. To be honnest, I didn't know any of them and didn't want to anyway. I stood there staring at an empty space when someone bumped into me. I turned around and saw Ally with another girl. "Hiii! Have I told you that my friend Ali would be here? Oops you're not Danny." She slurred her words. She pushed the other girl aside and started talking to me. "You're Stevie right?" I nodded, not wanting to engage a conversation. "Stevie, Stevie, Stevie... Are you gay?" She asked shamelessly. It took me by surprise. "No I'm not. I'm straight as hell! But wouldn't you like me to?" I said, knowing she was not clear-headed. "Oh me? Come on Steve! I can have anybody in here." She said. She talked like she was in slow motion. "Okay, so why don't you go talk to that girl and we'll see if you can have anybody." I said, wanting her to go away.

Stevie challenged me! I was clearly not sober but I'll do it anyway. "Watch me, lady! You're next!" I said. Wait, what did I just say? Oh, nevermind. She looked at me with her "I'm unimpressed look" as I walked to the girl. "Hey you know my friend over there won't believe me, so would you kiss me?" I said. I don't make sense but I don't caaaare! I waited. It felt like a year. She was just staring at me and then at Stevie. "Hey, I'm here." I said. She looked at me and laughed but then she placed a kiss on my lips. "Thanks! You can go now." I said and took her drink out of her hand. "Thanks for that too!" I said and walked back to Stevie. "See lady?" I asked. "Okay Ally, just get away from me." She said, pissed off. "Someone here is not happy! Just going to let you know that I know a straight male who could make you happy! Dannyyyyy?" I called out. He arrived, bottle in hand and a smile plastered on his face. Stevie just looked at us, showing no emotions. She looked at me one last time and left. "Well, Danny... What do we do now? We're both drunk." I asked. He just stared at me for a while and took a sip of his beer. "Okay then!" I said and went to take another drink.

Author's note : I know this is nothing like Ally, but I just like to explore everything based on my imagination. I think this story is actually going somewhere, let me know if you enjoyed this chapter. Also, sorry about the cat thing... I just think that cats in general are stupid. But that's what makes them cute and I love them! Have a good day!

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