#2Because of You

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Because of you I am here broken and crying tears. Not tears of pain but tears of blood
You tore me into pieces and left me for dead. will you be happy when my body is thrown on the ground and i am bleeding out from cuts on my wrists and neck? That's how I feel that you want me gone. And you know what I wanna be gone. Away from all the pain you have caused and all the trouble I put everyone in because I am and always have been a mistake. An accident that my mother only kept for pity. Because of you I am afraid to let people in and now I want to end this life and be reunited with the one person who actually loved me. She actually cared and now I will say goodbye. Just for a little while once more.

*Sorry for not updating sooner I have been going through a lot. If anyone cares feel free to message me, especially if you need to talk. Sincerely, MB*

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