Chapter 3

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Cassio’s Fight for Love

Chapter 3


       Scott, Lisa, and I were sat around a table at the dining hall eating lunch like we usually do. Scott and I were talking about the upcoming football game this Saturday between our college and a rival college. Lisa was nibbling at her food while trying to keep up with our conversation. Eventually, she just gave up and started texting someone.

“Dude, I’m serious. They have a blocker that is massive. I swear the guy weighs three hundred pounds. I watched a video of him tackling this guy, and it was like watching a bulldozer crushing dirt.” Scott argued.

“So what if the dude is huge. Our wide receiver is fast. Speed beats weight any day.” I countered.

“True, but our linebackers are going to have to block. Last year our defense wasn’t all that great.” Scott pointed out.

“We got this.” I stated confidently.

“Cassio, you know Brock plays football, right?” Lisa interrupts our conversation.

“What? No, I didn’t know that.” I admitted.

“Yeah, he has practice every day.” Lisa continues.

“So, what does that have to do with me?” I question confused at where she is going with her point.

“Dude, that means he isn’t watching Ellianna.” Scott catches on before I do.

“Exactly! Good job, babe!” Lisa smiles at Scott.

“So, you’re saying I could talk to her while he’s at practice, and he won’t know about it.” I clarified.

“Yep, and I know she is off work tomorrow.” Lisa grinned wickedly.

“Lisa, you’re awesome!” I exclaim and high five her.

“I know. You can thank me later after you get her back.” Lisa replies smugly. Scott and I resume our conversation for the rest of our lunch period then I head off to my last class of the day.

       The next day seemed to go by so slowly. All I wanted was to get through with my internship duties so I could see Ellie. My boss somehow managed to come up with something for me to do every time I finished one assignment he’d have another ready. I even had to stay a half hour later than I usually did. By the time I walked out of the office I was so irritated with work. If anyone had stopped me to ask a question or just to speak, I would have went off on them. I was a man on a mission, and that mission was to see my girl.

       Lisa had texted me Ellianna’s address earlier so I knew where she lived. The only thing I was worried about was whether or not she would let me in. I said a silent prayer to God begging him to be on my side and will her to let me in. I just needed to talk to her. I had to let her know that I had every intention of fighting for her. Our story wasn’t over. There would be a part two that would end with us living happily ever after. I was determined to make it happen.

       I didn’t even go home to change or anything. I had already lost thirty minutes of the precious time I would have with her to my job. There was no way in hell I was wasting any more time. I didn’t know how long football practice would last, and I didn’t want to risk the chance of Brock finding me there. Lisa had warned me that Brock knew about me. I knew he was abusive towards Ellianna. The last thing I wanted was to give him a reason to hurt her. If that happened I would go postal on the douche.

       I knew I would have to ease Ellianna into the idea of seeing me again. It was completely understandable due to the fact that she is afraid of Brock. I don’t want her to feel as if I am forcing myself on her. I just want her to know where I stand and that I still love her and always will

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