Chapter 1 (Full Version)

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Cassio’s Fight for Love

Chapter 1


Two months. That’s how long Ellianna managed to avoid me. I made sure to stop into the café where she worked at least once a week. I know it was a bit stalkerish, but I had to see her again. I had to let her know it wasn’t over for me. I knew she felt the same way or else she wouldn’t have run.

It was a Tuesday and also the first day of classes for students. I was really excited to be starting fresh at a new university. This was my last year before I received my degree to be an engineer. I was making my way to the auditorium my first class was in when I saw her. She was wearing a yellow button up shirt with dark washed blue jean shorts. I almost stopped breathing at the sight of her. It amazes me that Ellie still has the same effect on me after all this time. I wanted so much to walk over to her and demand she listen to what I had to say, but I didn’t want to be late for class.

I reluctantly walked into the auditorium and took a seat near the middle of the room. Today was the first day so our instructor passed out the syllabus for the semester and we went over the major parts. He told us what to expect from him as an instructor and how he expected us to act as responsible adults.

Once we were released I decided to give myself a tour of the campus. I hadn’t really had a chance to explore much over the summer. I was too busy with my internship to do much of anything else. Even mom and Raylin were complaining because they had barely seen me. I had promised each of them I would return home this weekend after classes.

I made my way to the quad where it seemed as if most of the students here hung out between and after classes. This time when I saw her I made a beeline for her. I wouldn’t let her get away this time. Before I could reach where she was lounging listening to music some burley guy with muscles sat down beside her. I watched as he yanked her headphones out and basically mauled her mouth with his. I literally almost threw up at the whole sight.

The only thing running through my mind was mine. MINE! This macho man wanna be was all over my Ellianna. The way he kissed her showed possession, and the grimace on her face just proved that she didn’t agree with the meathead’s way of showing affection. Before she could hide her expression meathead saw and began to yell at her. Then she cowered. My temper flared quicker than the time it takes a dog to bite a hot biscuit. Ellie was afraid of this jerk. From the way she flinched when he raised his hand I knew he had hit her.

Just as my feet decided to let me have control over them again the jerkface grabbed Ellianna up roughly and jerked her along with him. They disappeared into a crowd of students that were passing by and I lost them. I looked down at my watch to see that I had less than five minutes to make it to my next class. I was torn between trying to locate Ellie and the meathead and going to class.

I finally decided it would be impossible for me to find them on a campus this large. I realized I would have to wait for the next opportunity when she was alone. I couldn’t falter the next time I saw Ellie. Because I now knew one thing for sure; if I wanted to get Ellianna back I would have to fight for her.

I made it to my second class on time. However, I was unable to focus on the instructor. Thankfully it was only the first day of class. Most instructors go over the syllabus on the first day and hand out a tentative schedule for the semester. I was relieved when the instructor decided to dismiss us early. I was anxious to search for Ellie. I had no clue what her class schedule was like or if the meathead was with her or not. All I knew is that I had to find a way to get to her.

I searched during my free time before my next class but came up empty handed. I was beginning to get frustrated. I decided to head to the dining hall for some lunch. Isn’t it funny how when you are not looking for something- or rather someone in my case- you find them? That’s how I felt when I walked into the dining hall and saw Ellianna with the meathead and another couple. They were all eating, but meathead was fussing at Ellie about something. I could tell she was on the verge of crying. The guy who was with them said something to meathead causing him to sling his tray off the table before storming off. Ellianna looked in shock at first before recovering then sprinting off after meathead. Despite the situation at hand, I smiled to myself. I had just figured out a way to get close to Ellie.

I made my way over to where the couple was and cleared my throat to announce my arrival.

“Hey, can I help you with something?” The guy snapped sarcastically.

“Be nice Scott.” The girl scolded him.

“It’s ok, I would be the same way. I’m Cassio by the way.” I introduced myself. The girl gasped then looked at Scott in surprise.

“Well, as you already heard her say; my name is Scott, and this is my girlfriend, Lisa. Your last name wouldn’t happen to be Aymes would it?” Scott asked.

“Yeah, Ellie has told you all about me?” I asked with disbelief.

“She told me. No wonder Brock has been in a tizzy these past few months?’ Lisa mused.

“So that’s meathead’s name; it suits him.” I wondered aloud.

“I like you man!” Scott slapped me on the shoulder.

“Good cause I’m gonna need all the help I can get if I am going to fight for her. I still love her and I sure as hell don’t like the way I’ve seen Brock treat her.” I informed them.

“If only you knew the full story.” Lisa sighed.

“I have an hour and a half before my next class. If you guys have the time I’m willing to listen.” I replied. I had to know what I am up against.

“Well, when they first met Brock was ok. About a week after they started dating he snapped and slapped her across the face. Since then Ellie has been in the hospital three times. He’s going to end up killing her. Lisa and I have tried to get her to leave him, but she won’t do it.” Scott explained.

“Two months ago I caught her looking at your Facebook page. I made her tell me about you. I wish you could have seen the look in her eyes. For the first time since she and Brock got together there was a spark in them. I knew then that she still loved you. Brock must have sensed something was up or found out about you, because now he is getting worse.” Lisa sighed.

“if you guys will help me I can get her back. Ellianna is everything to me. The only reason I let her go was to make her happy. She’s not happy with him. I won’t stand by and let him hurt her and keep breaking her spirit. The Ellianna I knew would fight back. The girl you know as a friend is only a shell of the girl she once was. I’ll stop at nothing to keep her safe. That girl is my life; without her I am nothing.” Lisa and Scott looked as if they understood. At least I hoped they did.

“Whatever you need man. I’m here to help.” Scott promised.

“Me too.” Lisa added.

Cassio's Fight for Love (Shakespeare Series #3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora