Chapter 2

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Cassio's Fight For Love

 Chapter 2


 He was looking for me again. I could tell by the way his eyes casually scanned over the people lounging around on the quad. He did it every day without fail. I saw Scott walk up to him and they did the man shake. You know the one all guys seem to know. It pained me to know that after all these years he still held a flame for me.

          "What are you looking at?" Brock asked as he sat down beside me. He leaned over and kissed me on the lips before looking in the direction I had previously been looking.

 "Nothing. Just looking around." I lied. If he knew what or rather who I was looking at he would be very angry with me. I really did not feel like dealing with a pissed off boyfriend at the moment. Brock could be very possessive and controlling when he wanted to be. There were also times when he would get abusive. I didn't feel like dealing with any of those sides of him today.

 "You are lying. Who were you really looking at? Was it another guy? What have I told you about looking at other men?" I could see the fury igniting in his eyes.  I sighed, I was so not up to dealing with his accusatory sounding voice. Even though I was looking at another guy, he knew I would never leave him. He had made sure of that.

          "I was not looking at another guy I promise." I reassure Brock.

 "I know you are lying. Why are you f****** lying to me? Get up now! We are leaving." Brock got up and started yanking me up off the ground.

 "Brock, stop it you're hurting me. Please don't make a scene! I'll come with you. Just stop yanking on my arm.' I spoke quickly as the students around me noticed me struggling against him. I so did not need this right now. Especially not when one of those students was my ex boyfriend who still held a flame for me.

 "Hey man what's going on?" Scott asked Brock. I knew he was just trying to distract Brock so Cassio could get away without being seen. Plus, he was giving Brock a chance to calm down. Brock releases me from his vice like grip and does that stupid manshake thing with Scott.

 "Not much man El and I were just leaving." Brock stated sending a warning glare in my direction.

 "Yeah, I've got some studying to do before my next class." I back Brock up knowing if I don't the outcome will be worse.

 "Alright, I guess I'll go find my girl and hassle her for now." Scott shrugs and walks off leaving me once again alone with my very angry boyfriend.

 Brock leads me off the quad and towards the parking lot. He opens the door for me and I slide in to the passenger seat. He is quiet the whole drive to the apartment that we have shared for the past year. I know once we get there all hell is going to break loose. He was only putting up a front so Scott would leave us alone. Now that he had me alone he would be able to continue his abuse on me in the privacy of our home. I was glad it was starting to get cooler in the evenings, so I had an excuse to wear jackets to cover up the bruises I knew he was going to leave on my body.

 "Now, do you want to tell me who you were looking at?" Brock asked once he had shut the door to our apartment.

 "It was no one." I replied.

 "You lying b****!" Brock's thick hand smacked across my stomach leabing me out of breath. "You want to try that again?"

 "I told you, I was just looking around ." I sobbed still trying to catch my breath.

 "Keep on." Brock picked me up by my neck and slammed me into the wall by the door. "Tell me the f****** truth. NOW!!!" He screamed in my face.

 "I promise it was no one. Brock please!" I begged for him to stop.

 "You don't want me to know who it is, do you?" Brock questioned cocking his head to the side.

 "I wasn't looking at anyone. I promise. I love you, Brock, I would never disrespect you like that." I try my last resort to get him to release me from his grip.

 "I love you, too baby. You just make me so mad sometimes. I hate having to punish you like that." Brock loosens his grip on my throat and moves his right hand to cup my cheek gently. He still has his left hand pressed against my throat pinning me to the wall. I quickly realize that he has completely shifted gears. Instead of wanting to strangle me, he now wants to f*** me.

 "I know. It's ok." I say without emotion. I am so used to him doing this then saying he's sorry. It never changes anything. He will just do the same thing the very next day. He leans in and kisses me forcefully. I close my eyes and respond to him the way he wans me to. All the while I am imagining it is Cassio's face instead of Brock's.

 I quietly climb out of the bed carefull not to wake Brock's sleeping form beside me. I knew I should have been asleep a long time ago, but I couldn't get Cassio out of my head. It was so dangerous for him to even breathe the same air as me right now. Brock knew about Cassio. I had told him our whole story when we first started dating.

          That was before Brock turned into the monster he is today. When we first started dating Brock was the sweetest guy ever. He knew I was nursing a broken heart and still wanted to be with me. I now know the real reason he wanted to be with me. He saw that I was vulnerable from my breakup with Cassio and took advantage of me. He made me think he was the perfect boyfriend in the beginning of our relationship. Once he made me feel comfortable around him, he tore me apart piece by piece. Now I was nothing but a shell of the girl I used to be. I knew that better than anyone else.

          I missed Cassio so much sometimes it made me physically sick. It didn’t help any that he was in the same town as me going to the same university as me. It was like waving a piece of chocolate cake in a fat kid’s face and then telling them they couldn’t have it. To put it plain and simple, it was torture. Cassio was right in front of me and I couldn’t touch him or kiss him or run my hands through his hair like I wanted so badly to do. He used to love it when I did that. He would lay his head on my lap and just gaze into my eyes as I would run my fingers through his hair. Eventually, he would drift off to sleep.

          I wiped a tear from my face as it started to roll down my cheek. There was no use in crying over what used to be. I would never get to run my fingers through his hair or feel his kiss on my lips again. Not as long as Brock was still around. He would kill Cassio if he knew I was even thinking about him. In that moment I realized how much I hated Brock Sanders.

Cassio's Fight for Love (Shakespeare Series #3)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя