part eight

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"This behavior is unbecoming of warriors of the Anointed."

Jake wrenched his head sideways, pulling his hair out of somebody's loose grasp. Their three attackers scrambled off of them. Tweetle-dum's head bobbed. "Yes ma'am, er, Princess."

"Administer," Tweedle-dee hissed.

Gregor got up more slowly. "Administer Celalundria." He lowered his head in a deferential nod, arms rigid, brown hair hiding his eyes.

Cal grabbed Jake's arm, pulling him to his feet.

"You're excused." Long fingers clasped together in front of the Princess's prim powder blue pantsuit. "Retire to your quarters for the duration of the evening."

"Yes, ma'am." The Tweedle goons stammered, heading up the stairs, then apparently thought better of edging past the Princess and hurried down the other way.

Gregor stared up the stairway, and then pushed between Cal and Jake, turning so his back was to the women. "Your mommy won't always be around," he whispered.

"Is that a threat?" Jake growled.

Gregor pasted on a smile, lifting palms in innocence and spun around, climbing past the Administrator. A look of betrayal flicked across his face when he glanced over at Kiene. And then he was gone, the sharp clicks of his boots moving across the tile above.

Jake shifted beneath Celalundria's impassive gaze, stepping back when her face suddenly softened and she held her arms out.

Cal went immediately to her. "Mom."

Jake eased back against the railing, and crossed one leg over the other, watching his mother and sibling together. They embraced quickly and then her hands cradled Cal's face while she looked him over. The difference between them was striking. Her long fall of straight black hair and bright green eyes contrasted vividly with Cal's blonde mop and brown eyes. His brother took so much after their father, exotically human, he'd become a target of Anointed bullies at the outset of beginning their training. But this hatred Gregor held for the teen…that went well beyond simple bullying.

He felt Kiene's gaze on him. Dark brows pulled together. She must have hauled ass to intercept Celalundria and Lisi and lead them to the back stairway.

Celalundria held a hand out toward Jake as she and Cal turned to go. "Jacob."

He followed after her, but didn't take her hand. The two girls settled into step beside him. A few steps ahead, Cal casually draped an arm around their mother's waist as though she had never sent them away, light and dark heads together as they spoke in hushed tones.

Their little entourage got several stares as they made their way through the long foyer. It was still drizzling outside, making little wet dots bloom on their mom's light pantsuit, but she didn't seem to mind. A wisp of a smile crossed her lips at the sight of the mud-splattered Jeep TJ, or maybe Jake just imagined it. She turned to Jake. "I need you boys to stay out of Karavel for a while. Don't return until you hear from me."

"Why?" Cal took her hand. "Is it the demons almost getting in? We can help with that."

"No," she said swiftly. "Stay away from the pass-throughs. Just keep doing what you're doing."

"But we can…"

"Calen." Her tone clipped off his argument like scissors. "It's not that. The Anointed can handle a little demon influx. It's the political climate here. I'm hitting opposition on all fronts…"

Jake grunted low in his throat. Right, and part human children were an embarrassment she didn't need while working the political game. Celalundria stared at him as though she knew exactly what he was thinking. Crossing his arms over his chest, Jake stared right back.

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