part six

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Paps nodded. "Got in, but that was the end of. All were slaughtered."

Jake didn't like the sound of that. Something felt off. Demons had been trying to get into Karavel for centuries, but to just rush in when they knew they'd be killed instantly… Jake shrugged. He and Cal would plug up as many Hell-holes as they could, but there were more than enough Anointed to take care of an extra influx of demons that got past him and his brother. "So what's that got to do with Celalundria?"

"Oh, not much, hotshot, except that some powers-that-be are blaming your mother for the upsurge in demon activity since she is the Administer of Defense and all."

Aw geez, politics. "So you thought she'd summon us to give us a good hand slapping over letting demons slip past us? We're only two people, ya know."

"I thought she might have summoned you to keep you safe." Paps's face reddened.

Jake felt Cal studying him. He stilled his features. "We weren't summoned. We came for more omthrodite."

That took the steam out of Paps's engine. He leaned back against the work table and scrubbed a hand across his head. "What you had before should've lasted a lot longer."

"Like you said, more demons are getting through." Hellhounds were bigger, making large holes, more wriggle room to get out. Maybe that's all there was to it. Mutts were eating their Wheaties, evolving into larger hounds. The Anointed were getting their starched panties in a twist over nothing.


The young tracker's entire body stiffened at the feminine voice. Muscles locked, Jake resisted the desire to turn toward the doorway and look at her.

Material rustled with her soft steps as she came to him instead. Intelligent blue eyes stared up at Jake from a face that was all smooth planes and sharp angles. She wore faded pink sweats and a Beatles T-shirt. Her light brown hair was tousled like she just woke up. Her feet were bare.

"Lisi saw you in the lobby." She folded her arms. "You weren't going to come see me."

Jake swallowed.

She sighed, gaze skittering away until she found his brother. "Cal."

"Kiene." Cal nodded. Both he and Paps looked like they'd rather be anywhere else.

Kiene's gaze slid back to Jake, expectant.

He relaxed his body, though his heart was pounding. "So you're looking well. Fit."

Her chin raised a notch. "I am fit."

Jake stepped past her, muttering over his shoulder. "Glad to know all this Anointed training is working for you."

With a fluid speed that only Anointed's had, Kiene stepped around him, shoving him back. "You are such an ass."

Jake stared down into her upturned features, warmth flushing across his neck. "Never pretended differently."

She jerked away from him, eyes narrowed. Folding her arms again, she cocked a hip to the side. "You need to leave."

"But sweetheart, I just got here."

"Can you be serious for one moment? Gregor knows you're here."

Jake spared a quick glance toward Cal. His brother's lips firmed into a tight line. "I can handle Gregor." Even so, Jake flicked a look toward his backpack on the table and then back to Cal.

Cal nodded, scooping up the pack and steering Paps toward the weapons drawers. That was all they'd come for anyway. His gaze roamed over Kiene's slim form.

A delicate brow arched. "I know you can handle Gregor, but he's not coming alone." She glanced uneasily toward Cal's back. "He plans to finish what he started two years ago."

Jake's heart banged to life. "Cal. Let's roll."

Cal didn't have to be told twice. He ran over, pack on his back, bulging more than when they'd come in. Jake didn't ask, knowing the kid would have gathered the most necessary supplies.

Jake reached out to touch Kiene's arm. Stopped. "Uh…"

Her head angled toward the exit. "Just go."

He stared at her, then nodded once and pushed open the doors.

The hallway was quiet as was the stairwell. Jake turned the corner of the first landing and a shadow fell across him.

"Gillant. Where's that runt brother of yours?"

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