Invitations & Panic Attacks

Start from the beginning

"I haven't even told Iris and Joe, yet," Barry groaned. "They're going to kill me, oh god."

Oliver laughed. He stopped laughing quickly when he saw the sly look on Barry's face.

Now, he was wary.

"Well, Ollie. Looks like you are coming with me to Central City next week," cheered Barry.

Oliver blanched.

"I can't," he stammered.

Barry narrowed his eyes, "Oh really? And why is that?"

"I, uh, have meetings!" Oliver grasped at the excuse like a drowning man.

Barry brightened.

"Oh, is that it?" Barry chirped. "I'll call Felicity and let her know. She'll handle it."

Oliver deflated. Barry gave him a particularly evil smirk, which kinda looked adorable, really. It was something Oliver learned early on in their relationship. He may be the fearsome Green Arrow but when it came to his lover's adorable (not that he would tell him that) facial expressions, he folded like tissue paper.


The next morning, Barry jumped onto Oliver's bike, behind him, wrapping his hands tightly around Oliver's waist. He could have run there easily, but he liked to ride with Oliver. It was another way to be close with the man he loved. There was something very intimate in the way every inch of their body was pressed together.

Barry had already called Felicity to let her know that he was kidnapping Oliver for two days. She had laughed and told them to enjoy themselves.

On the way to Central City, in between talking with Oliver and gazing at the scenery, Barry planned on what to tell Iris and Joe. He honestly did not know how they'll take the news that he had been a bully.

Even though Oliver had been repeatedly telling him that there was no way they would hate him, there was a part of him that was apprehensive.

Iris was planning a huge dinner the next day. So, he called her up and suggested that they invite Caitlin and Cisco, too. Iris was delighted and volunteered to invite them both.

Barry had till the next night to pull himself together.

Piece of cake.


They had reached Central City before nightfall, courtesy of Oliver's speeding which Barry enjoyed immensely, but made Joe frown with disapproval.

Iris went to get a drink for Oliver. Barry kissed Oliver and said,"I'll drop our backpacks in my room and I'll be right back."

Iris handed Oliver his drink, a glass of wine, and slapped her dad on his arm.

"No frowny faces allowed, Dad," she said, sternly. "I'll get you a glass of wine, too."

Joe grumbled but stopped glaring at Oliver. Oliver breathed an internal sigh of relief, and stood in front of the fireplace, gazing at the flames.

Iris, carrying the wine, tripped on the rug. She caught herself before she could fall. Oliver stepped back as he saw, as though in slow motion, the wine travelling in a graceful arc through the air, right before it fell on the fire.

The fire blazed strongly, flaring out, before subsiding.

Before Oliver could do anything, he was flashed to another corner of the room, with Barry running his hands over Oliver, chanting "no, no, oh god no, not again, please, no".

Oliver grasped Barry's shaking hands, dimly aware of Joe and Iris standing nearby.

"Barry, Barry, hey," he said, soothing. "It's alright, I'm alright. It's all fine, Barry."


When Barry saw the fire blaze up to Oliver's height, he could see only Oliver's silhouette. That image was soon replace with the very, very distressing image of Oliver catching fire and crumbling to dust, when they were facing Savage in the alternate timeline.

Barry felt as though all the oxygen was sucked out of the room. He didn't even notice it as he ran to Oliver's side and pulled him to another side of the room entirely.

There was a continuous litany of no, no, I can't lose him, god no, please please, Ollie god please no rushing through his mind, over and over again.

He kept gasping, trying to gulp some air, while his hands were checking Oliver for injuries, his heartbeat, to feel that he was indeed alive and not crumbled ash.

He heard Oliver's voice as though from a great distance.

He tried to tear the shirt off.

WHY COULDN'T HE FEEL HIS HEART? Oh, god, why was there no heartbeat!?

A firm hand grasped his, and pressed it on the chest, right above a strong heart.

"Feel, Barry," Oliver said. "I'm fine. I'm alive. It's alright. Come on, breathe with me, Barry."

Slowly, Barry came to his senses.

"Ollie," he whispered. "Ollie, oh god, Oliver."

Oliver pulled him into hug, keeping his one hand over his heart, knowing that Barry needed it. He waved away Joe and Iris, choosing to whisper soothing words to his Barry, all the while holding the younger man close.

It was then Joe finally realised just how much Oliver Queen, a known playboy, cared for Barry.


A/N: Ok, first of all, I did NOT expect the story to take a mind of it's own and run away!

Looks like it's going to be a three shot, hooray.

Also, I realise that Felicity is actually the CEO to Palmer industries, but I didn't actually know just what happened to Queen Consolidated. So,... I improvised. Oliver is CEO of his company, Felicity is still his assistant. It's fanfiction, so...

Another thing, since Savage is a part of Flash Season 2, no Harrison Wells|Eobard Thawne, and sorry, but Eddie is still dead.

And yeah, I know the ending sucked.

I love hearing what you think!

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