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first I have to warn you! I am from the Netherlands and my English the best :( so if you want to help do you want to correct my English if you see a mistake :) enjoy this story x

ziva's pov

"David we know now where he is. but we don't know it for sure. you have to do something" I turn my gaze to Gibbs and wait until he talk farther with the explanation. "so? what do I have to do?"  I ask while I stand up from my deskchair. "you have to go undercover in the exclusive bar where he always go to choose his victomes. you have to sing if it isn't a problem for you?" he explanated. I nod. " it isn't a problem for me. when do I have to be here?" "in 2 houres. we provide transport. make sure you dres something.. ehm let me say sexy, but not to" I nod for the second time and go to my apartment.

when I am home I go straight to the bathroom and take bath. when I am done and dried my self I do my hair in curls and put my hair to one side. I put some natural eyeshadow on and a bright red lipstick on. after that I go to my bedroom and open up my dresser. there are some dresses for this special situations. I choose for the nightblue one with the slit to my taille. it also have a very low back. under the dress I wear my silver stilleto heels.

 when I am done I have 30 minutes left. I toke my handbag and put my phone and weapen in it. I take my carkeys and drove to NCIS. in the mean time I exercise my  song for tonight. my voice filled the air and I see couple of other people turn their heads to my side. stupid cabrio I think by myself.

after a ride of 20 minutes I am at NCIS. when I left the elevator all the gazes from all the man at the floor turn to me and theire eyes fall out of theire sockets (I don't know if it is the good translate for this expression :$nut I hope you understand what I mean with it ;)) I walk to the bullpen and see that Gibbs, Tony and McGee there already are. "goodevening! are you ready?" I ask and they turn their heads to me. theire is a long silence. Tony's and McGee's mouth are wide open. "close your mouth or you will catch bee's" I joke. "flies, it is you catch flies" correct Tony me. "also that" I say. "you look stuning tonight Ziver" compliments Gibbs me. "thank you. you look also good tonight" and I don't lie. they were all of them black suits. 

"so who are your dates for tonight?" "we are" says 2 voices behind me. "I am the date of Jethro tonight. and Ziva you look so stuning tonight!" compliments Jenny me. "nice! you look also stuning by your self Jenny!" "and I am the date of McGee and you are so beautiful!" Abby closed me in one of her famouse hugs. "you look stuning Abbs!" "are you all done? we have to go" says Tony. "but Tony where is your dat for tonight" says I teasingly. "I am your driver, barhelp and bodyguard for tonight" he says proudly. I got a smile around my face. "well let's go. your 'car' is waiting outside" says Gibbs with a wink. did he wink. 

outside there is a mini limo. "you're kidding right?!" I said turning around to Gibbs. "no. this is for you Miss David" he says while he steps into his own car and he drive away. "Madam you can sit in the back and relax. it is a 1 hour ride. so enjoy from the view" says Tony jokingly. "thank you sir" I says in the same strain. I get in the limo and relax.

*at the exclusive bar*

"Madam we are there" Taony opens up my door. "thank you very much sir. I will be here later tonight" I said with a smile. "have a good night" and I leave to the bar and walk inside. I see Gibbs and Jenny sitting on a table on the backside. "he sits on the bar. good luck" I hear Gibbs voice throw my ear. I got to the bar and sit next the man who I hate with my life. he killed innocent girls who fall in love with him because he was nice to him. he tortured them and then let them bleed to death. discussing. "one cocktail with less alcohol if it is possible, please" I ask the bartender. I took the drink and take sip.

"are you not so from the alcohol?" ask the man next to me. "normally I am, but I have to do a performance tonight here so I don't want to be drunk, you understand" I said with a shy smile on my mouth. "I understand it very well. I am Dean""Ziva" I took his hand and shake it. "and Ziva what are you doing in your daily life?" he ask with interest. "I am a dance teacher at a dance school here in the neighboure" I lie. "so what are you doing here as a singer?" "my friend, a good friend from the owner of this bar, heared me sing ones and ask if I want to sing for one time. so here I am" I lie. 

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