Lips and tongues (smut)

Depuis le début

The look Harry gives him doesn’t make the way home easy. Louis doesn’t want to admit it, but he loves it when Harry’s voice gets darker, slower and quieter at the same time. It takes him all his willpower not to hold on the car and straddle Harry’s hips, grinding down and rolling his hips until he feels Harry’s hardening cock, kissing his plump lips until they are swollen and red, making him loud and noisy until he’ll wake up the whole street. Alone these thoughts tighten his pants much more and he’s glad that he doesn’t have to drive longer than 15 minutes. He gets nervous more and more, some pearls of sweat are trailing down his neck and he feels his mouth becoming dry.

Louis doesn’t realize his foot pushed down the gas pedal and how fast he drives, just when he pulls up into the driveway of Harry’s and his home he notices that he is five minutes earlier than usual.

“A bit eager, are we, Louis?” Harry mumbles with an amused chuckle.

“Shut up young Harold or you can sleep on the front porch.” Louis jumps out of the car shuddering at the friction his tight pants make at his crotch because of his movements. He unlocks the front door and goes back to Harry to help him walk without falling down and stumbling over his own feet.

“Loubear?” He asks Louis in such an innocent way that Louis can’t help it but smiles lovingly at his boyfriend.

“Yeah babe?”

“I can’t sleep when I feel so dizzy. I don’t know what to do.” He pouts at Louis, looking exactly like his 16-year olds younger version. And it feels so wrong that it makes Louis hornier than he already is.

“Y-you better take a cold shower and drink some water. You’ll feel a bit better then, ok?”

“Yes, Lou. Sounds like a perfect plan.” He slurs in his ear and leans his head against Louis’ shoulder, even if he’s taller than him. With Louis’ help he somehow manages to go up the stairs into his room. Finally getting rid of his clothes he feels Louis’ eyes burning on his skin. He may be drunk, but he is still capable to notice how he drives Louis crazy. When he turns around to go to the bathroom, slightly weaving, Louis eyes trail down Harry’s whole naked body, just covered with his many tattoos.

“Louis my eyes are up here.” Harry says while casually passing him with a wink and not so accidentally brushing with his fingers over Louis’ obvious bulge.

“Harry, shower, now!” Louis tries staying calm, but it’s really difficult with his boyfriend right next to him, naked, showing everything he can be very proud of. When Harry shuts the bathroom door behind him, Louis bangs his head at the door frame and sighs out loud. Much longer and he couldn’t have hold back himself and would’ve attacked him like a tiger. And then he realizes how thirsty he is. He goes into the kitchen, takes a glass out of the kitchen cabinet and purrs some water in it. With a few gulps he empties the content and feels the cold water going down and how he relaxes immediately.

“Louis?” He hears Harry calling out for him. “Lou come back, I wanna cuddle!”

Then Louis rushes back to Harry’s room, cuddling, kissing and touching his boy is his favourite thing on earth and no one can ever change that. But when he steps into Harry’s room, cuddling isn’t really what he wants. The way Harry sits in his bed, with crossed legs, still damp curly hair and wide puppy eyes, waiting excitedly for Louis to join him, he looks like a little boy who just received his present, he wished so hard for, on his birthday.

If Louis thought he was turned on before, then he doesn’t know what he’s now. He has to concentrate step by step not to push Harry down into the mattress and he somehow makes it to the bed impossibly calm. When he lies down, Harry scoots towards him, wrapping his arms around him and resting his head on Louis’ chest. Louis instantly brushes his fingers through Harry’s soft curls, but he can’t really go to rest, because the pictures of his naked boyfriend are burned in his mind.

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