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I leaned my back against the door and sighed "what will come of this," I sat on the bottom of the staircase and held my head in my hands. I heard Claudia walk past me and go into the kitchen "old friend, my arse....get dressed Eli,". I don't want to go, I ran up the stairs and got back in bed and stared at my clock. 7:10. She said she'd be here at 7:30 so I think i'm entitled to a snooze. i was awoken by a fingernail prodding my rib cage, I opened one eye "What?!?," Claudia looked down at me. "I said get dressed Eli, so get dressed,". i sighed "What kind of demon is she? Making me get up before the sun is even up...," Claudia turned my head to so I could face the window "See that ball of fire in the sky, that's the sun, get up". I opened both eyes to see the sun just above the horizon. "Well, it's not up very high is it?" Claudia pulled the quilt off of me and walked downstairs." Hurry up, your breakfast will get cold,". I sat up "it's too early to eat..." I muttered.

Once dressed i ran downstairs, Claudia had made me a full English breakfast, i grabbed the plate and emptied it in the bin. Claudia sighed "You could have waited until i wasn't looking you know, all my motherly love went into making that". I smiled at her, "I thought you were used to it...?" Claudia whipped my butt with a dishcloth "Thanks for sparing my feelings," she looked up at my messy bun "go get the hairbrush,". As I left the kitchen i looked back over my shoulder to see Claudia with her head in her hands. By the time I collected the hairbrush from the counter in the bathroom and came back to the kitchen, she was smiling again. I passed Claudia  the hairbrush, sat  down and undid my bun. Claudia hit me on the head with the brush, "ouch, what was that for," i asked. She chuckled to herself "you never learn do you, you put your hair up when it was wet, look how curly it is. I clearly told you..." Claudia stopped and sniffed, her breathing became deeper, I turned around to see tears steaming down her cheeks. Stood up and held her in a bear hug, "my hair is curly today, it's not the end of the world, is it?" Claudia laughed and hit me on the head with the brush again. "Put on your beret and get in the car," I nodded.

Claudia started the engine, "Angel Photo shoot today, in a church gardens, on tombstones, under fake snow," I sighed "another angel gig?" "It's what's in today sweetie, i'm just trying to keep your fiances running smoothly and, you're the best our firm has for the job. It's..." I interrupted her " ....the hair, I know," Claudia glanced at me in the rear view mirror, "well you could always cut it..." I clenched my jaw "Claudia, we spoken about this before, and i said no, and that means no." the tension in the air was so thick i could feel her purse her lips. "Well, it's your choice, but it would most certainly help you get some other jobs," She was right. There's no point holding on to this hair...it's dead anyway. It just somehow reminds me of heaven. It's like i'm punishing myself. If i don't tie this hair away it strangles me and chokes me. My throat seemed to contort at the thought of my hair coiled  around my neck, I grabbed a bottle of water from Claudia's bag and drained it all in one go. "Told you should have eaten something," I scowled at her. Claudia stopped the car, and undid her seat belt "now that's no face of angel." she said before getting out of the car. "If only she knew," I whispered. I opened the door and stepped out of the car. I read the sign on my right hand side 'Cowley St Anthony'. I heard someone approaching from behind "Welcome, to my Church, unfortunately it's no longer in use," It was a familiar voice. I turned around to see a his smiling face. "Nathaniel?" I asked. "Nathaniel why are you here?,". His smile quickly faded and his brow became deeply lined with thought. "That's not important right now, do your job and we will speak later." He turned on his heel and disappeared into the overgrowth of the cemetery as quickly as he came. Claudia appeared in the door "Eli, Hair and make up, pronto." I followed her inside.

"My god, his skin is so soft," - "Now, could kiss HIM all over..." the hair and make up artist always had some sort of comments to make over my skin, but of course it IS heavenly. I knew exactly how to deal with it smiled and then gently bit my bottom lip "Leave that for later," The blonde hair stylist nearly swooned and fell into my lap. I think his name was Drew. I shouldn't think to much of it though, as that would make me vain, and that's about as good as sinning. "We need to go do the extras," Drew said as he finished packing up his things. I stood up shook his hand and kissed both of his cheeks, he blushed and shoved a piece of paper in my hand before running from the room. His number, typical. Claudia always encourages me to call them but never engage in sexual contact. It's not always easy to say no. Claudia called me to wardrobe, I was made to wear a one shoulder, ivory floor length toga, and a wreath crown. The director called me for my solo shoot. There were gasps and wolf whistles once I stepped on set, I ignored them, I was in character and they were being so very vulgar. Not really, I loved the attention, more proof I have definitely lost my place in heaven. For each each wolf whistle I winked and blew kisses to everyone on set. The solo shoot went smoothly despite the fact that i was uncomfortably perched across moss covered limestone graves, the photographers were easily impressed with the usual 'pure but sultry' look. I could see Nathaniel leaning on the tombstone closest to the door.The photographer clasped his hands together "Ok, everybody take five,". Nathaniel gestured for me to follow him.

He lead me to the church office. It was a small dusty room, with one stained glass window. It only let in a slit of orange light. It was filled with tall bookcases that touched the ceiling. The floor was bare stone, the room was cold and smelt of damp. Nathaniel removed his dog collar, and unbuttoned the top of his shirt. He sat down at his desk and leaned back into the leather seat. "you look pale," he whisperd "when was the last time you ate?" I sat down opposite him, crossing my legs and played with the folds of my toga. I looked at at him through my eyelashes "what do mean?," Nathaniel got up and rummaged through his fridge in the corner. He threw a bag down on the table "Blood Elijah, when was the last time you had some?," Well before Verchiel's kiss, I hadn't had any for...."a month,". Nathaneil smiled "I see you still can't take care of yourself..", he grabbed the blood bag from the table, "I'll go warm this up, there's a microwave in the church kitchen," i nodded. hew handed me a notebook "Here read this,". As I opened the book i heard the hinges of door creak open, then closed.

mount Sinai, thought to be mount Hereb is in Egypt, its atop this mountain Moses receives the ten commandments, the very basis and building blocks of our laws today,Early old testament text describes mount Sinai in terms which some scholars may describe the mountain as.....

The door creaked again, "Here," Nathaniel handed me a mug, i drank it quickly without spilling a drop, He laughed at me, "Did you read the notes?". I handed him the note book "Not all of it, why did you want me to read it, I know you're a vicar down here but i could do without the bible class,". Nathaniel raised an eyebrow, I stared at the floor."There's a meeting on mount Sinai, all of the fallen are to attend,". On a mountain? in Egypt? "It's about Raguel," my head snapped up at the mention of his name. I studied Nathaniel's face for any signs, but there were none. "Something about a mass Retaking,". i placed the mug on his desk "what's a Retaking?". Nathaniel smiled and sat down in his leather chair, " It's when a big group of the fallen are taken in and reborn as humans, if they live that life according to God's ruling they could possibly be born again as an...." "Angel," i Interrupted "like Raguel himself was,". Nathaniel nodded and look at his watch "Oops, you'd better go for you next photo shoot," I stood up and turned to leave, "but when is the meeting?," his reply was instant "The second Sunday of December." I nodded, "Goodbye Nathaniel," I didn't hear his reply, that's if there was one.

As i left his office i ran into Drew. Well, Drew ran into me knocking off my feet and made me land on back, he had landed sprawled on top of me. After a moment of staring into my eyes, Drew scrambled off me, blushed and apologised, "We just need you for two more pictures, and since you nail every shot it shouldn't take long," I draped my arm across his shoulders and  Whispered into his ear "Take me there," Drew turned a marvellous shade of red, and avoided looking at me.

He was right it didn't take long, in a matter of minutes i was unchanged, and bundled into Claudia car, but where was she? Standing outside yelling on the phone to her doctor, as per usual. She hung up and held her head in her hands, before opening the car door and getting into the drivers seat, "Seat belt!" she almost sang it, i reluctantly strapped myself in and entered Drew's number into my contacts, his face was hilarious when he blushed. I smiled at the thought.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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