Road Trips

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"This is dumb, he doesn't even want to talk to me." I said with a hint of annoyance.

"Now I know that boy is in love with you, he'll get over his feelings soon. Riley and him are on the bus now. He said, they started talking about the situation and Justin broke down. So, this whole break up is affected both of you." Willow said to me as she finished packing our bags. "Now, we are driving down to Oregon, whether you want to or not. Come on, I even convinced your parents to let you skip school today."

"Fine, I'll go. Let's just get this over with." I rolled my eyes, putting on one of Justin's sweatshirts I had stolen from his closet. "It still smells like him, too." My eyes started to water.

"My love. My best friend. My number one hoe." She poked my side, making me gently smile. "You have cried for everyone on this planet in the last six days. You guys are going to be okay, no more wasting your tears on him okay?"

"Okay." I whispered as I slipped on my uggs. I took my luggage and carefully rolled it down the stairs. My mom and dad were at the table eating breakfast.

"We're going now, I'll see you on Sunday. Hopefully, I'll be the old happy me again." I tried to hid the sadness in my voice.

"You guys text us when you get there okay? Your dad and I have a movie to work on this Monday, so we will be getting ready for that." My mom told me. "I love you so much, Kai Rose. You guys will be okay, I can feel it." She got up to hug me. I wrapped my arms around her and shed a few tears.

"No más llanto. Ser fuerte mi bebé niña." She kissed my forehead and rubbed my back. I walked over to my dad, giving him a hug. "I love you, koala bear."

"Love you too, dad. I'll talk to you guys when we get there."

I put my luggage in the back of Willow's white jeep. I got into the passengers seat, and waited for Willow to get in.

She pulled out of my driveway, "Just twelve more hours to go."


"Wils, why didn't we just fly there? You know my parents would've helped pay for it." I said playing with the promise ring Justin gave me.

"Because we needed a girls trip. Now let's go get some snacks from this gas station." She pulled into the parking lot. "I'll get some gas, and you go and pick out the food." She handed me a twenty dollar bill.

I unbuckled my seat belt and made sure to bring my phone with me. I walked into the tiny market. I grabbed different types of chips, candies, and drinks. Paying for all of our things, I walked back to the car.

Willow went through that bag grabbing a bag of hot Cheetos. "Why did you get sour patch kids? I thought you hated those."

"I did, but I started liking them recently." I shrugged.

It wasn't a complete lie, I did start liking them ever since Justin and I were together. I just didn't want to tell her a bought a bag for Justin.

Willow put on drake's new album, views. We jammed out to that for a good two hours. I felt my eyes drifting off but I made sure to text Justin before I went to sleep.

Kai: I know you want to talk to me

Kai: but it's okay.. Don't rush, no pressure ;)

Kai: ugh I miss you J

Kai: I'm so pathetic honestly, why am I even trying?

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