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⠀⠀⠀The week flies by with flying colors, and Yuichiro couldn't be any happier than he has. He could finally go through the school knowing in the back of his mind that he has thoughtful friends, a loving boyfriend, and a protective teacher who's got his very eyes on him. He doesn't have to worry about the useless things like what others thought of him, for they weren't significant at the least. Besides, the blond beauty always knew the words and phrases that would keep his heart in high spirits despite all of the negativity around him. Though nowdays, he hasn't received as many negative statements. And he's overjoyed.

⠀⠀⠀Classes have ended about thirty minutes ago, and the petite raven is waiting patiently for his golden-haired lover to come sprinting down those flight of stairs and into his arms. He had been chose as class president for the semester and been given extra work to complete after the students have left, or that's what Mikaela said, anyway. As if on cue, when Yuichiro was just seconds away from texting the male of his whereabouts, a rumbling from above his head caught his attention, and he raised his chin towards the earth-moving commotion. The noise traveled down towards the staircase and a flash of gold came bursting into view, bag trailing behind him.

⠀⠀⠀Relieved, Yuichiro didn't have enough time to question how things went before being pulled into a tight, heart-warming embrace that squeezed the living soul out of him. A small laughter errupted from his throat when he felt Mikaela wrap his bulky arms around him and compress his waist tightly. Rolling his eyes, the raven hummed a welcome, "Hey, Mika."

⠀⠀⠀"Mmm, Yuu-chan," Mikaela murmured into the other's shoulder.

⠀⠀⠀"What took you so long? I got worried you left or fell asleep or something!" Yuichiro said in complaint, lips pursing and cheeks exploding into a pout. "Text me next time, will you?"

⠀⠀⠀Mikaela laughed lowly, voice echoing throughout the hallways. "Sorry, Lil' Yuu-chan. I didn't know you were worried, let alone still waiting out here. You could've went to my apartment and I would've met you there, but I'll tell you next time, okay, love?"

⠀⠀⠀"You better."

⠀⠀⠀"Is that a threat?"

⠀⠀⠀"A threat filled with love," Yuichiro corrected, in which earned a whole-hearted snicker from Mikaela. After the blond threw his books and such into his locker, they both padded out of the school building, passing by a few teachers on the way out the doors, and finally following the sidewalk back to Mikaela's apartment. They walked in a comfortable silence, each enjoying the scenery playing around them— skies swirling in every hue of reds, oranges, and yellows as the sun casted downwards towards the horizon, a moon slightly above them rising in the darkening sky. The clouds formed a purple-gray-like color, still remaining visibly as stars shone through the light, and a breeze blew past them, nibbling at their cheeks and running through their tresses. It was times like these Yuichiro treasured. It was every moment with Mikaela that he treasured, just so he could look back at the memories and never forget them.

⠀⠀⠀It wasn't until they were a few feet from reaching the apartment complex did Mikaela and Yuichiro's phones vibrate at the same moment, both ceasing their step to pull out their phones. Screen shining brightly, Yuichiro eyed the message, pupils reading over the brief message with furrowed eyebrows.


Shinoa, 7:03 p.m

Are you ready for the celebration, Yuu-san and Mika-san???


Faded Memories ༣ MikaYuuWhere stories live. Discover now