My Neighbour

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*Not my story*

I have just recently moved house to this new neighbourhood a few months ago. I shall not expose where it is so as to not frighten my dear readers. So I'm writing this to share with you this scary incident that happened while I was living in this neighbourhood. FYI, I'm still living here even after I experienced this incident. My house is at the end of the whole stretch of houses on the 7th floor.

My neighbours in my block are really very friendly and informative. They usually gather below the block during the weekends in the morning to chit-chat and I would join them along. They were mostly in their late 30's to early 40's.

So, I have never seen my neighbour who lives right beside me. I have been really curious about that neighbour who lives besides me. Her house would be filled with this weird kind of smoke on every Thursday night and it would always fill up my house as well. This was probably why the previous owner of this house decided to sell this house at a very good price.

So, one day I felt really really curious as to why there are always so many people gathered in her house. Not only that, but I would hear them scream and scream endlessly. Sometimes, their screams were so scary that it would send chills down my spine. The best I could do was just ignore it and turn on the volume of my television as loud as possible.

When I met with my fellow neighbours for another normal chit-chat session, I decided to ask them about my neighbour next door. However, they refused to say anything about my neighbour. All I know is that my neighbour is a woman and she is a doctor who cures her patient in her house. I'm pretty sure that they were hiding something from me. After they finished chit-chatting, they started going back to their house.

However, as I was about to leave, one of my neighbiur grabbed my shoulder and said, "Be careful of what you do. Don't mess around with your neighbour AND go home before 7pm. Dont go home later than that." After that, he left.

I didn't really listened to his advice as I always come home at 6pm. I nodded at him as a sign of respect and left. One day, I was forced to work overtime in ny office as they was some techinical error which had to be fixed there and then. As much as I wantes to go home early, I knew I had to fix the problem. By the time I finished my work, it was already past 11pm. I was really really tired by then

When I reach my void deck, it was exactly 12 midnight. I took the lift all the way to the 7th floor. When the lift opened, I quickly exited it and walked towards my house. All I could think about was my sweet sweet bed. As I walked towards my house, I saw a lady standing outside of my neighbour's house. Her head was bent down and her hair touched the floor. Her hair was longer than her height. Being the gentleman I was, I didn't stare at her. I quickly entered my house. However, I couldnt help but wonder what a pretty woman would be doing outside my neighbour's house at midnight. Maybe she is one of my neighbour's patient I thought. I didnt dwell on that thought for too long as I was really tired and all I wanted to do was to lay down on my bed and sleep. It was a good thing that today if Friday so I can sleeo in late at night.

The next day, I recieved a call from my mother. She wanted to visit my house and see how I was doing. I was really excited and decided to buy some food to eat with my mother. After I went to the near by coffee shop to buy my mother's favourite food, I quickly went home as I wanted to clean my house. As I walked under my voud deck, I saw my usual neighbours sitting down and chit-chatting. I didnt want to stop to chit-chat as I was in a rush to clean my house. However one of them noticed me and called me.

"EH, BOY!! Why are you walking so fast back home? Come and sit down with us and have a good talk," One of my neighbours asked.

I had no choice but to sit down with them. I then decided to ask them about the lady in front of my neighbour's house.

"Uncles, yesterday, I came home at around 12am. As I was walking towards my house, I saw a woman outside my neighbour's house. Her hair was really very long and it was touching the floor,"I told then nonchalantly. They stared at me, fear could be seen in their eyes.

"Did you stare at that woman," one of them asked.

"Uh yeah. A little bit,"I said

"Did she look up?" Another one asked.

"Uhhh.... nope," I replied feeling rather curious.

"Wahh, Boyy!! Tell you already. Don't go home after 7pm. Lucky she never look at you," one of them said.

"What would happen if that woman look at me? Is she one of my neighbour's patient?" I asked.

"That is not a woman boy! That's a pontianak. You better be careful! If she look at you, she will haunt you for the rest of your life. That is what happened to the previous owner in your house. He went home late one night, stared at her for so long until she looked up. She haunted him really badlu until he had to move house," they said.

I shivered as chills ran down my spine. I just saw a pontianak last night. I couldn't believe it... just as I was about to reply, I saw my mother walking towards the lift. I quickly said my goodbyes and walked towards her.

Soom after that, I started to get scared while walking past my neighbour's house. The uncles whom I always talked to decided to tell me the whole story. My neighbour is actually a witch doctor or also known as a bomoh *somewhat like that*. She treat those people who are possessed and such. That explains the constant screaming I hear everyday. Apparently, her patients only arrive from 7pm to 10pm. That's why the uncles told me not to go home at that time as they didn't want me to be frighten by the patient's appearance.

After that incident, I made sure I have a bag of clothes and other important items in my car so that I can go back to my parent's house everytime I work overtime. I never want to see that 'woman' every again. The thought of it could send chills down my spine.

That's the end of my horror story #1. I hope it managed to send chills down you spine. While writing this, I felt kind of scared. :) So anyways, leave a comment in the comment section on what you think about this story. This is a true story BTW. NOT TO SCARE YOU GUYS....


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