Boy Meets Girl

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It'd been the perfect the night. Just her and her best friends out a bar, enjoying themselves. They sang a long to every song they had heard, and they didn't once care about what anyone thought of them.

All night, he was watching her. Quietly chuckling as she goofed off with her friends. She had so much life and impeccable beauty, that he just couldn't help himself. I mean, there's no harm in looking, right?

After hours had passed and all of her her friends had left in cabs, she sat alone swishing the ice cubes around in her glass. As much as she hated to admit it, she was a waiting for Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome to get his fine ass on the stool next to her. Yes, she had noticed that he was watching her, for when he finally looked away, she took advantage of her turn to look at him.

She waited a bit longer, and just when she was about to give up hope and leave, she heard the sound of someone sliding onto the stool next to her.

Not wanting to make it obvious that she was looking, she turned her head just slightly to see if it really was him sitting there, and sure enough, it was. He was already looking at her with a smile, so she brushed her hair off of her face and smiled back.

"Can I buy you a drink?" he had asked, the smile not leaving his face.

"No..", she watched as the smile on his face slowly fell. "You can buy me two."

They had really hit it off, and the typical bar question was asked.
"Your place or mine?"  he whispered directly in her ear, causing a shiver to run down her spine as she leaned closer into him, her face inches from his. "What do you think?"

They went back to his apartment.

"So, now that you've got me here... Will you finally tell me your name?" She asked as she pried her eyes away from the beauty of his place, to him.

He smirked, causing butterflies to stir in her stomach. "Killian Jones at your service, milady." He gently grabbed her hand, kissing it as her held her gaze. "Now, may I get you a drink, Miss Emma?"

What the hell was that?!  she thought.

Emma was completely dumbfounded. "Uh... Um, yeah... Sure." she managed to get out as he chuckled and headed for the kitchen.

She was very used to these sort of things. Going home with strangers, one night stands, all of the meaningless stuff, but she couldn't help but think that there was something extremely different about this guy. She's never felt anything like this before, and that worried her. "Emma Swan, get your shit together." she whispered to herself.

"Did you say something, love?" Killian said with a smile as he returned, handing her her drink.

She took it whilst shaking her head. "It was nothing important, just talking to myself."

With that, he nodded and they sipped on their drinks.

Emma couldn't help but steal glances at him, after all, she is only human and it's just human nature. He had to be the most exquisite man she's ever seen with his beautiful ocean-blue eyes, the dark hair to compliment them, his perfect amount of stubble and contagious smile, and not to mention his extremely fit/muscular body. This man had everything! Not to mention that after every sip he took, he just had to lick his damn lips. He was driving her crazy.


Hello lovelies! This is my first fanfic in a really long time so I'd love some feedback. Comment and let me know what you think! ❤️

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