Taking on a large task

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Dan's P.O.V:

Am I ready for this?

I do not think I am ready for this.

This is completely mad.

Am I actually doing this?

I guess I really don't have a choice.

I mean, he is hot and I could totally pull it off but still.

I took a deep breath and took another look at the form. I know without doing this I can not afford to finish college. My mum would kill me if I dropped out. She worked so hard to get me the tuition I had.

I can not believe I am doing this.

Plus my entire reasoning for pimping myself out is my mom.

I stood up, took one last look at my butt in these skinny jeans (because daaaamn), then headed out. The entire way to Mr. Lester's I was trembling. I only even thought about this option because I saw it online as a joke. Then Mr. Lester came along and.... let's just say it got real.

I pulled up at the large house, it had many windows and a huge pool in the back. Once I took a better look at it I felt better, showed he was an actual person not the one I just made up in my mind. But then I remembered why I was here and my hands started shaking again.

I took a deep breath.

You can do this Dan...you will be fine...

I pulled open the car door and headed up the pavement. The door was tall and baby blue with a knocker of a lion's head in the middle.

I took a deep breath once more and went to knock when the door opened. There stood a tall, blue eyed, man with jet black hair. He wore a navy blue suit and a black tie. His eyes looked over my body as if I was a new car and I could of sworn he smirked and bit his lip.

"Um..Hi. I'm Dan, from the---" he cut me off.

"Oh, I know. I've been looking forward to meeting you Daniel. I'm Mr. Lester, although we will discuss how you will address me later on. Please, come in."

I squinted my eyes slightly in confusion at what he meant by that statement. I brushed it off and stepped inside the house. By this point I felt INCREDIBLY underdressed. While I was wearing a fitting hoodie and skinny jeans even his coffee table looked like it was showing me up on looking good.

Like bitch please, wearing silver in this situation is like fighting a Mewtwo against Eevee. It's just not cool.

I sat uncomfortably on the leather couch and Mr. Lester sat next to rather close to me. The smell of his cologne made my heart beat out of my chest, although it was already going fast enough to cause a heart attack that's not the point.

"So, Dan, have you read over the form thoroughly? If you don't understand it I am happy to go over the terms and conditions."

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. "I-I think I understand, but not fully....can you do a quick run through?"

He smiled kindly at me and put his hand on my knee, "No need to be nervous, Dan. I won't hurt you, unless you want me to."

He winked and continued. "Well, in short, I will pay for anything you want, I will feed you, cloth you, buy you the newest games, anything that you wish. All you have to do is stay here. While I'm at work you can stay here and do as you please through out the day. If you have schooling do it online, I will also pay for that and any other items needed for your classes. But once I get home I will want myself to have your full attention. I will cook dinner and then we will have our 'adult' time. If you have any questions or concerns on that subject don't worry I plan to demonstrate that for you later."

My heart began beating out of my chest and I could feel my cheeks gain a heavy red tone. All I wanted to do was go lay down in the hallway and contemplate life and what the fuck I am getting myself into with this situation. I just continued to nod along knowing if I spoke then only indecisive mumbles would spurt from my lips instead of logical conversation.

How could he be so calm talking about this? I mean the guy is talking about hiring me to be his literal sex slave and his tone is still so professional and dapper. Talk about being through this a lot, it's like if you have been to therapy so long that your horrible childhood can be told with a straight face. Everyone else is definitely shocked and you are so numb.

"Okay, I think I have come to my conclusion, Mr. Lester."

"And, what would that be?" He smirked at me, blue eyes lustful.

"I will take the job."

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