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            The Scarecrow's taunting words resonated in Edward's cluttered mind, their matching gazes glued to the opposite end of the bar; though, Ed's held something more to it. Katrina Sanchez, Edward's former admirer and spy/assassin, sat dolled up next to the infamous Two-Face while the new rumors about her bounced around them in the crowd of nosy criminals. The riddles man's jaw clenched in frustration at the sight, his temper only rising when the half-and-half man placed his left hand on her made up face and roughly pulled her in closer to him.

A knowing smirk played across Katrina's red plump lips under Harvey's hold, modeling Edward's favorite shade of lipstick on her. Harvey's expression molded into a cocky one, knowing that the narcissistic villain was watching his every move, only enticing his interests towards pursuing the dangerous woman further.

His fingers, the ones dressed in non-burnt skin, danced across the tousled brunette waves in her hair, combing through the hair sprayed pieces as softly as he managed to play the 'romantic boyfriend' part. Katrina simply shut her eyes in glee at the sudden romantic gesture, one she wasn't used to, before leaning in seconds later to close the gap between their lips. The kiss was short and sweet yet intimate enough to make Edward grip his shot glass in resentment.

            Scarecrow chuckled at his acquaintance's current predicament, the man's anger only proving to be comical to him with the number of chances he had to avoid this situation. Katrina's, questionable, attraction towards the man in purple and green was no secret to the circle of villains as was Edward's constant rejection towards the idea of them being acquainted together; Well, that was until he saw her with another man.

            Dent unraveled himself from their position, excusing himself to get them another round of drinks. Edward scoffed at the idiot's action, knowing that Katrina was very well past her limit on alcohol only an insensitive, brainless, male like Harvey would continue to push her past her usual tolerance, probably making her do things she'd regret in the morning.

He eyed the now lonely girl, contemplating going over to take Harvey's now empty seat until a voice behind him and Jonathan drew him out of his wild ideas.

"If you keep staring at her any longer, I feel as though she'll call security on you or murder you herself." Harvey spoke up behind the pair of friends once he crossed them, a stern yet dangerous tone causing Edward's body to stiffen up at the unwelcome company that stood beside them waiting for drinks. "I'd prefer the latter, though." He added in triumph, hinting towards Katrina's miniature temper.

"Oh, Harvey." Edward slapped his hands down on the counter, turning back in his seat and grinning up at Harvey while he feigned excitement. "Katrina is a woman who adores men that challenge her, not ones that show off their gun collection to her and call it a date."

Jonathan simply rolled his clear blue eyes at the passive aggressive argument bubbling up next to him, knowing Edward wouldn't take any further action that run his mouth for now. He was more than aware that he would end up committing an overdramatic and unnecessary plan later on to get back at the new love birds and a little voice in his head reminded him that he'd probably have to be involved.

"Is that why she hasn't even looked over at you once?" Nygma's shoulders slumped at the realization, allowing Harvey the satisfaction he desperately wanted as he clasped Edward's shoulder. "You lucked out. It's okay, Nygma, I'll let her know you said asked about her." Was all he muttered before walking away with the drinks, Katrina's eyes lighting up once he took his seat back.

Jonathan pursed his lips at his friend's sulking pose before speaking up. "I advised you not to ignore her emotions multiple times, Edward."


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