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"That's cool!" I exclaimed, moving towards him and getting in his face a bit. He moves back and a slight blush creeps into his face. "The eye would be under the eyepatch, I presume? Can I see?"

He looks at me, and averts his gaze. His lips trembling a bit.

"Ah- I'm sorry! It's ok if you don't want to, it's just really intriguing to meet another one-eye!" I shouted.

"Wait, so you're a one-eyed ghoul too?" He asked, his eyes sparkling.

"Ah, no. I meant you're the third one-eyed ghoul I've met. But for me it's one of the most interesting thing I can think of about ghouls. It's weird how a human and ghoul-" I started to rant on, but was quickly interrupted by my phone ringing. "Let me get that," I shuffle over to my bag and pull my phone out and quickly answer, "Hello?"

"I'm outside, come out here so we can leave and get to our place. Did you get any information?"

The smile on my face quickly disappears, "This isn't the right place to talk about this right now, come inside while I talk to them."

"All right, but your mother requests we leave soon to discuss this soon. If we don't have the information by next week, the deal is off."

"I'll get it. It's not too late, now is it? I'll meet you downstairs, ok?"

"Mhm." He hung up, and I sighed. I tossed my phone back into my bag and looked back to the Raven-haired teen standing across from me. Suddenly I gasp, forgetting one thing I should always do.

"I forgot! I never properly introduced myself! I'm Kirishima Wakana, but everyone calls me Kana!" I exclaim, raising my hand near my face and forming a peace sign.

"K-Kaneki Ken, it's nice to meet you Kirishima-san." Kaneki says, adding a quick bow.

"Eh? No need for formalities! Just call me Kana-san!" I say and he nods his head. "Anyway, I need to leave. Bye Kaneki-kun!"

"Ah, let me show you the way out." He said and opened the door, leading me out into the hallway and back into the café.

"I'm just looking for my friend!" I heard a familiar voice state.

"Get out we don't need someone like you in Anteiku!" Touka yells, and throws a wet towel at him.

"Aki-chan?" I ask, looking into his dark eyes.

"Kana I'm being attacked!" He blocks the towel and it falls onto the floor, making a 'splsh' noise.

"Um..." Kaneki adds.

"GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" Touka yells.

"What did I do?!"He yells back.


"What's all the commotion?" I heard a frail voice from behind me, and quickly sniff the air before turning my head. Behind Kaneki and I stood a tall, fragile looking old man. "Is everything alright down here?"

"Manager-san!" Both Touka and Kaneki say, before stopping what's going on.

"I'm just trying to get this piece of trash out of here! Get out!" Touka hisses, her eyes glaring at Akihiro.

"Touka-chan let me explain!" I raise my voice, stopping the little fight going on. Touka looks at me and nods, allowing me to go on. "This is Akihiro, or Aki-chan, my best friend! I told him to come in because I didn't want him to stay in the cold."


"I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to cause anything!" Aki bows to Touka and then Yoshimura. As soon as he stands back up, I sniff the air and he does the same. He looks directly at me and nods. I nod back, signaling him.

"Really, we are sorry! But Touka-chan we must get going or Okaa-San is going to kill me." I say before heading next to the wooden door and turning back to them. "Goodbye, Touka-chan, Kaneki-kun and Manager-sama! The coffee was delicious!" I say and Aki says goodbye, before we leave.

After we got to about, 100 meters away and five minutes of silence I finally spoke up, "Did you smell it?"

"Yeah. I believe that it's him. The author is right." Aki replies.

"Well we can't be too sure, but I have to tell okaa-san soon or she will get mad. I'm not even sure if it's him, but hopefully it's him."

"I guarantee that she will get mad."


After making it back to our apartment, I make my way straight to the office where I find my mother siting at the desk, typing away.

"Any news?" She says, an awkward absence filling the room.

"I checked the café, and I smell who I believe is the person the author was talking about." I share out.

"You believe?!" She shouts. "The day we actually get to do this, and you can't come back with one thing of information!" She suddenly stands up and walks right in front of me, her hands balled up into fists. "I should of brought your useless sister to this instead of you! You can't ever do anything! I ask one damn thing, but all you return with is a 'I believe' God dammit Kana! Dammit!"

"okaa-San, I'm sorry..." I say, and her eyes widen.

Suddenly, I feel a shard pain on my face and the blood trickling down my cheek and onto the floor.

"Who told you that you could speak?! No one you useless piece of shit! Now clean this fucking mess up, since that's the only thing your able to fucking do!" She screams a final time before stomping out of the room and slamming the door.

I fell the wound on my cheek start to heal up and I decide it would probably be best to follow what she said. I run to the bathroom, get some towels and stain remover and try my best to get the blood stains off the carpet. After ten minutes of trying, I pulled a small rug over top of it and shrugged it off.

When I left the small office and into the hallway I overheard my mother and Aki talking, I decided to eavesdrop since I really wanted to know what they were talking about.

"So you two did good today, huh?" I hear my once evil mother say.

"Yeah! We did it perfectly! We perhaps have convinced them enough." Aki said, his deep voice echoing in my mind.

"See! I knew I should of brought you on this trip, you're a perfect actor!"

"Kana did really well, too!" He added in.

"Kana did what? She did well? She isn't even an actor," I heard a loud thump, probably her slamming her fist on a table, "she's worthless! She can't even follow her little disorder bullshit to get us one bit of information. Don't ever say she did well!" Mother screamed.

I rolled my eyes, and mumbled "If only you knew it was this bad," before trailing into my room and quietly shutting the door.

Worthless, huh?

*I want to make it clear that Kana has D.I.D which is basically multiple personality disorder so she has two personalities. One is more childish and the other is a more serious, worker type. It might of been confusing so, sorry.

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