Chapter 10- I'm Fine...I'm...Fine..

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Getting Naruto home was one thing, getting him to eat was easy enough along with brushing his teeth, combing his hair, and getting into pjs. All of it was easy. Now came the hard bit of getting him to get in bed, let alone to sleep on it. 
"Naruto you have to get to bed!" I told him, angry that he had taken off his PJ's and running around ass naked, swirling his shirt above his head in circles and yelling at the top of his little lungs that he's not tired. I huffed as he ran through my legs a third time tonight "Naruto you're being a bad boy" I told him, only he didn't seem to listen, or care for that matter "I'm not tired!" He declared, yawning towards the end. I sighed as he took off running at full speed into the living room...CRASH I flinched at the noise of glass breaking "Don't step in it!" I called, walking down the hallway and into the kitchen too late. He had fell into the glass. HE FELL INTO THE GLASS. "Shit. Naruto, are you okay?" I asked, crouching down by him and lifting him carefully out of the hazardous area "I'm" Naruto mumbled hiding his head in my shoulder "No you're not" I mumbled back, kissing the top of his head. I made my way to the bathroom and got the tweezers, a magnifying glass, a wet wash cloth, and bandages. "Naruto this is going to hurt." I told him, looking up from his tiny chest to his tear filled eyes that currently were pushing the waterworks down his chubby cheeks. His tiny chest was heavy with sobs and his small hands found there way to my hair, clutching at it like he does his teddy bear when he's afraid at night "ok daddy..." His shaky voice whispered, dreading the next few moments. I looked back to his chest and carefully removed three of the 7 pieces quickly before patting the blood away, they were large pieces after all but just enough to cut the skin and get stuck. Naruto cries got muffled by my torso as I hugged him, petting his unruly blond hair down "There there" I mumbled feeling completely awkward, Im a teacher, not a doctor, and definitely not parent. After he was calm enough to not be screaming I made due with the remaining four and bandaged him up after a cold bath. Naruto's chattering teeth sounded from beneath his seeming fortress of my comforters. I rolled my eyes with a sigh and could practically feel the sweat-drop. My room it is then.

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