Ending is the beguining...

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My story isn't like most, I never wanted a prince, I just wanted someone to listen... People of our era don't understand the difficulty of life for youth or at least I didn't think they did until I met my life saver. He wasn't like most and who knew I could save myself by saving him. Only fairy tales have happy ending, but call it what you will for you will not understand desperate measure until you've lived through the pain or helped someone through it. The only thing I knew from the start was that the stars don't shine without the dark night.

My story starts with just two things, an angel and me, the angel from hell only telling me to follow my heart and my hearts saying just one more time.

The tears flowing freely down my cheek, my breaths so short, please just one more breath, so it can all end, just leave me be. My name is Eliza and I wish to be free.

My life has never been settled always bumps in the road or a sharp turn near a cliff. So many times I nearly fell of the wagon, so why I'm still here is my story to tell, the ups and down, his stars to my black sky.

We start with day one no way out no way in, just three words that was the difference between me and Eliza. The day my mother died. Three words I still here today. My future and my past. Finally the end and the beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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