Chapter 2

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Translations at the end, sorry for any translation mistakes, I don't take French classes >w> Enjoy~

A couple of hours into the trip, Canada wanted to spoon his eyes out.

"Can you guys stop?" He yawned as he listened to England and France ramble on, trying to stop them before it turned into a full out fist fight.
"Tired already, Mattie?" America piped in, already exceeding the speed limit so he made it to the hotel they were staying in as soon as possible.
"Of them, yes." He muttered. "Why did we bring them with us again?"
"Because it's a family thing!"
A few minutes passed without the brothers making much conversation. Canada was just starting to get frustrated from being cramped in the front of a car with America nearly killing people trying to cross the road, and France and England calling each other names.
"Papa?" Soon enough, he turned around in the passenger seat to see France.
"Oui, Mattheu?"
"Um.. Can you roll up the windows? It's messing up my hair."
"Ah, it's not me who's rolled the windows down, Mattheu. It appears to be this one over here." The French smirked as he reached out a hand to ruffle England's hair, much to his irritation.
"I thought I told you not to do that!"
"Well, you need to roll up the windows, Arthur."
"You could've just said my name! I'm not deaf, you know." As England rolled up his window and it was a bit more comfortable for everyone else, Canada faced the window, closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep.

About 10 minutes later, he was thrown forward and caught by his seatbelt, rather violently. Expertly catching his glasses, he put them back on and glared at America.

"Mon cher, Alfred! What the hell?!"
"Calm! Take a chill pill, geez."
"Those don't exist!"
"We're at the hotel, guys!" The younger brother ignored the last comment and threw his door open. Canada just groaned as he unclipped his seatbelt and opened the door, attempting to stand up straight. When England and France were out, America had already started walking towards the entrance. The others followed until he got to the reception desk. After they got the keycard to their room, the lady behind the desk looked quite concerned as she saw Kumajirou sleeping on Canada's shoulder.
"Excuse me, sir, but this hotel does not allow pets of any sort."
"O-Oh, I'm terribly sorry to confuse you, but he's, uh.." Blushing a little, he quickly thought of an excuse. "He's just a plushie. I'm visiting family tomorrow, and it's for my niece."
This was going to be exhausting.

Oui - Yes
Mattheu - Matthew
Mon cher - My God
Stay tuned for next time! :3

A FACE Family Road Trip Gone Wrong - Hetalia, Axis PowersWhere stories live. Discover now