chapter 12

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Lunch time
"I forgot my cookies" I said as I rolled me eyes. Today just isn't my day huh? .. "What's your problem" Anthony asked me while everyone started to sit down. Chad was right across from me .. Like how we always use to sit, but now its just awkward. "She forgot her cookies, you know she don't play about them" amiya said laughing. I didn't feel like going to get my cookies so I just sat there looking down while eating me food. It was just awkward and quiet until..gavin came over. "You finally saved me a sit huh?" Said Gavin as he sat down next to me.  I looked up from my tray and saw him smiling "nah it was just empty" I said turning towards him "yea okay bigbrain"he said being sarcastic which made me smile. "I got something for you" he said as he brushed my hair behind my ear. "What biglip" he gasped and put  his hand over his chest " girl my lips not big" he said as he licked them. Which caused me to look at them. I can't even lie he look so good. I looked back up at his eyes "whatever what you get me" "some chocolate chip cookies for a chocolate girl" he sat them on my tray" I smiled "thanks cause she was about to be pissy for the rest of the day" bre said laughing. I looked down while laughing. "Shutup bre" armoni said. Gavin tilted my chin up making me look at him "you still up for that ride today?" He smiled at me showing his pearly whites. "Ugh.." I made a check glance at chad who was already getting up, and walking towards the door. "Ugh.. Yeah ig" he smiled harder. "Alright beautiful" gavin said as he left our table. I couldn't stop smiling. "Well damn yn just break my Nigga heart why don't you" I looked over at mark who was shaking his head "what?" I said making a face "shut up mark ya Nigga cheated on her" "she ain't have to flirt with dude in front if him tho" "oh really , he ain't have to fuck a girl behind her back either" Armoni said rolling her eyes.. "Guys stop! Stop arguing thus is me and chad problem ..don't let it get to you guys alright?" *THE BELL RINGS*

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