Stolen Wings

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I gasp. I just hear the beats of my heart and my blood running through my veins. The black mist covers me again. I'm in a little room of stone, where the only light that comes in, is a little ray of light that comes out of a crack of the roof. I look at the mirror that is in front of me and I see that I'm not me, I'm looking at a little girl of long blond hair of blue eyes and thick lips, she has a little golden wings. I'm fettered to the floor. From the darkness appears a beautiful woman of black hair and blue eyes, she's dusturbingly similar to me. Unwittingly I open my mouth.
- Hi, mum - the voice that comes out of me is the voice of the girl, not mine.
- Hi, Amaris. Today you're going to behave better, true? - says the woman pretending affection. The girl looks at her wrist covered by wounds and marks of lashes. The little girl nods.
The woman takes out a dagger and she puts the dagger above the feathers of one wing of the girl. I feel how my hand touchs the cold metal of the chains. Suddenly one of the feathers turns into a dagger without handle. The dagger flies in the direction of the shoulder of the woman.
- Stupid girl - says the woman, she plucks the dagger and she nails the dagger on my little left foot. I shout and the floor breaks - .Lets do it of an easier way.
She takes out a big black sword, she raises her arms and she cuts the girl's wings. The room starts to separate in little pieces, like glass breaking, the woman starts to break in little pieces too, leaving behind her pieces of glass and the echo of her cruel laugh. I'm still inside the body of the girl. I'm floating on the air with pieces of stone and glass around me. My arms makes bigger, my hair longer... I'm me again. The wind blows moving my hair, I close my eyes and I let myself go among the whistle of the wind. Behind my eyelids I can see memories, I can hear the birds singing at the sunset of a summer, I see me, a little girl, reading a big book, on the brach of a tree while I hum a song. Then I hear the laughs of three children of twelve years and the waves of the sea, I see Jace, Charlotte and me riding black horses by a beach of Krayana at the sunset. Then I hear the soft wind moving the leaves, I see me this year riding my black horse, Aurea, it was auttum, just a few weeks before Will saved my life, I was practicing with the bow, throwing arrows to the matches that I put in the forest when I was eight, while Aurea runs until the waterfall of the Fallen Angels. When we arrived to the waterfall, I decided to climb the wall that surrounds the waterfall, when I was at the top, I jumped to the water that was below. And finally I see me carrying Alec, with the arms and the head hanging death among my arms, saying Alec that all it's going to be right, saying Alec a lie, the last thing that I said to my brother was a lie, now I will remember him with the face bloodstained and with a lie in his eyes. The memory goes, leaving me alone, like I deserve to be, alone. Alone, if you think it is a big word, people who use it are people that dare to face the life alone, to face their problems alone, to face the illness alone, to face their hardships alone, brave persons as if to face the death alone. Alone, that's my new life, that's my new fate, that's my new future, that's my new name. I open my eyes and I see that I'm back to the cave. A horrible pain runs my back, where the wings were. I shout, not just for the pain of my back, I shout because of the pain that I feel inside my heart, because the last thing that I said my brother was a lie, because of the fear of being alone forever, of die alone, because if Alec dies I'll have to take on with the blame forever, like carrying a rock on my back forever, a rock that crushes my lungs and breaks my heart. My silver tears start to burn my skin. A hand touchs my shoulder.
- Amaris, you have the power of tempus, it lets you travel in time - says Michael, the angel.
- My name's Tessa not Amaris - I say angry while I cry.
- You're mother and me called you Amaris Nora Isabelle because God wrote your prophecy《The godess of the Moon, the godess of the love and beauty and the godess of the fire reincarnated in the same person, she's the promise of God, the queen of the sons of the night...》Amaris means the daughter of the daughter of the moon, Nora means beauty like the sun, beauty for the godess of the love and beauty and the sun for the godess of the fire and Isabelle means the promise of God - says Michael.
- My name's Tessa Esmeralda and you're not my father - I whisper angry. I shout again. Today the world I know is breaking and this is being heartrending for me.
- I understand that now you're angry with me Amaris, but you had to know the truth - says Michael with sadness.
- I'm not angry with you because you didn't tell me the truth before, I'm angry with you because you have told me the truth, and you know what? I would have preferred to die thinking that my life was real not a heartrending lie, that I simply was different, with a few stupid powers. That I had a normal family that loved me. Not the daughter of an angel, that I'm three goddesses reincarnated, that my mother was an assasin. You have destroyed my life - I say dragging the words.
- You're mother, was a Noctis with a few powers, like your sister, Elizabeth, she was beautiful, she had beautiful black hair and blue eyes like you, you're very similar to her. She was very sweet and brave and you and your brother always were the first thing for her - he looks like he is reminding a death person that he loved like nothing in the world -. One day she saw next to a river the first red rose of the spring growing in the snow and she asked God for two sons, a son and a daughter, that have red lips like a red rose, blue eyes like the river, silver blond hair like the stars and an ivory skin like the snow, she was very sweet and she loved each part of the nature. All the people loved her and she loved all the people. But one day she came home without saying anything, without a smile as usual, and the next she dissapeared with you and your brother, Dominic. You two were very strong in spite of your age, so you could escape, but neither could escape with the wings. I contract a warlock to clear the mind of Dominic and you. Then I assigned each one to a family, but the problem were you, I knew that you would develop the tempus and you would remember all.
I feel that my heart breaks in little that no one will can put back again.
I breathe.
- Dominic... is my brother? - I ask.
- Yes - he answers with sadness.
I stand up and I run. I open the big doors and I run. I see Will where he were the last time I saw him. I don't stop running but Will grabs me from the wrist.
- Tessa! What happens? Please Tessa!- he shouts. I try to escape but he's very strong, so I kick him in the ankle. I escape and I run. I open the door and I keep on running till the carriage. I tie off a white horse of the carriage, I jump and I climb on to the horse. The horse stars to run and we go into the snowy forest. I hear the steps of a horse behind me. I look behind me and I look that Will is riding the other horse of the carriage. He's reaching us. When he's next to us he grabs the my horse from the ear. The horse raises the front legs neighing, I fall off the horse. I'm too stunned as if to stand up. Will ties the horses to a tree and he walks toward me. I awake and I try to stand up but Will is faster and he gets above me, he grabs my wrists and he presses them against the floor.
- I'm going to let of you but you have to promise me that you won't move from here - says Will. I nod and he slowly ties off my wrists from his hands. Will lies down next to me and he looks at me. I look at him. Our faces are just a few centimeters from each other.
- Tessie... you know that you can tell whatever you want, you can trust me.
I don't hestitate.
- What you would do if you discover that your father is not your father, your mother is not your mother, your brothers are not your brothers, that your real father is an angel, your mother is an assasin and that you have a brother that you have never met? What would you do if you discover that all the things that you knew aren't real, that your live has been a lie? I look for me and I don't find me. I prowl by the dark walls of myself, I interrogate the silence and to this clumsy emptiness and I don't guess in the echo of my uncertainties. I don't find me and now I go like asleep to the darkness, probing the night of all the corners, and I couldn't be soil, neither essence, neither harmony, that are produce, sound, creation and universe. I am this discourage and loneliness that converts in questions all that is wound. And I prowl by the deaf walls of myself waiting for the moment of discover my shadow.
Will dries my tears with a finger and he puts aside a lock of my hair.
- Very poetic - says Will and he makes a shy smile -. But you have to know that you aren't alone, I'm with you and that you're air, soil, essence, harmony, produce of the beauty and the kindness, that you're sound, creation and you're unisverse. Tessa, you're in one word, wonderful. And if one day you'll be lost in the darkness, I'll be there to catch you when you fall.
- Do you believe in love at first sight?-I ask.
- You were brave to save the life of your, when all the people would hide or turn around. During three days I saw you sleep, and you didn't look asleep, you looked alive, I remember that, when Lilian, was playing the piano, you hummed the song that Lilian was playing on the piano. And the when you open your eyes, that beautiful turquoise eyes and you looked at me with that sweetness that you have, I fall in love with you. So, the answer to your question is: yes.
Tessa, my heart belongs to you.

Thanks to all the people who reads my book and thanks to all the people who follows me

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Thanks to all the people who reads my book and thanks to all the people who follows me. I'm trying as hard as I can to make this book as beautiful as is possible for you guys.
For the ones who love action and tragedy keep on reading.
Thanks guys for reading my book.♡♡
( If you have questions don't hestitate to ask, I'm here for answer your questions too )

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