Gazes and Qunari

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"What is your wish, Kadan?" Sten asked her softly, it was strange for him. He considered someone of a different race; a different culture, to be his Kadan, that was an unusual occurrence.

The girl had defeated the blight and the Archdemon, she had lost a lot in the process, but somehow, she managed to stay strong throughout it all, Sten was amazed by this. A woman who fought, such a thing did not happen, but there she was, in front of him.

"'Just wanted ta speak ta ya, s'all." She smiled softly at her Qunari friend. The girl was Dwarven, and to put it mildly, some of the things she said were difficult to understand. She was born as a castless, meaning she was dirt poor, and often was a part of lyrium smuggling to feed her family. One thing that bothered her more than anything was some of the things her sister was able to do but not her. Her sister was chosen by her hirer to catch a noble fellow and move up into that family by bearing a male child. To be chosen for this job, you had to be plenty attractive, and it was a big blow to her esteem to see that she was ineligible. Sure, she loved her sister more than anything, certainly more than her crazy mother, but she just wanted to be considered beautiful for once.

"Ask then." He responded bluntly.

"Do ya..." She trailed off. "think I'm pretty?" She asked. There was little reason for her to ask, she knew what Sten's response would be, but she was feeling a little down after thinking about everything that happened in Orzammar, she just wanted some kindness for once. Was that too much to ask?

"Why is such a thing relevant? You are the Hero of Fereldan and a woman who fights. What need is there to be thought pretty?"

Sofi puffed out her cheeks and pursed her lips, and she admittedly had a small crush on her Qunari friend. "Could ya answer me at least?"

Sten sighed, he had little experience with things like this, Sofi was much different than the women in his nation, well, there was no one quite like Sofi. "Yes, you are beautiful, Warden, though I am unsure of what else is acceptable to say in Fereldan."

His intense gaze was on Sofi's reddening face, "No, that's just enough for me." She smiled softly and grabbed a hold of his hand, which shook slightly as they're hands touched. His gaze went down to her eyes, and then her lips, but he didn't move. "Well we oughtta get goin' don't we?"

"Yes, Kadan, as you wish."

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