Part 2

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~Lloyd's POV~

I was meditating in my room on the floor near my bed when Jay suddenly burst through the door with Zane's falcon on his shoulder, startling me out of my trance. I looked to him in confusion as I picked myself up out of the floor.

"What's wrong, Jay?" I asked curiously.

"Kai's hurt. Badly. He called me. He said help me, then there was a crack and the line went dead," Jay said as the falcon flew over to my shoulder.

"Where are the others?" I asked, curious.

"Cole is gone to see his dad. Zane and I gotta stay here with Nya. Misako and Wu are both asleep. Nya's freaking out and scaring the baby. Zane's falcon is programed with the location of where the call came from," Jay said as we walked out to the gardens.

"I'll go in and see what's wrong with him. I'll grab him and bring him back. You get Nya to calm down so she won't lose the baby. I'll text you what I find," I said as we stopped walking and the falcon took to the air.

"Bring my brother back safely," Jay said as I created my energy dragon.

"I'll do my best," I said before I took off into the air.

I took off through the night air, following the falcon to Ninjago City. Once I reached the city limits, I switched from my dragon to my bike so I could navigate the streets easier. I followed the falcon to an alley that seemed empty. I looked around and noticed tire marks that suddenly vanished. I saw signs of a fight and a dumpster that looks like it had been moved. I examined the dumpster and noticed a pool of blood under it. I moved the dumpster and gasped at what I saw. Laying under the dumpster was Kai's limp form in a pool of his own blood. His gi was torn to expose the left half of his neck and it looked like his throat had been all but ripped out. I noticed that he had blood staining his lips like he had been forced to drink someone's blood. His eyes were open, meaning he probably got a good look at his attacker. The falcon hopped down to my forearm that I held in front of me.

"Connect me to Zane," I said to the falcon.

I waited until the bird's eyes began glowing a brilliant blue and Zane's voice came out of the bird's beak.

"Lloyd?" Zane asked.

"Get the infirmary ready. I found Kai and he's in pretty bad shape. There's blood everywhere that came from some sort of wound on his neck. I'll field dress his wounds as best as I can," I said as I knelt beside Kai, not caring about the blood that got on me.

"Got it. We'll get ready so we can take care of him as soon as you get back," Zane said through the falcon before the transmission ended and the bird took to the air.

I held Kai up as I bandaged his neck. I noticed that the wound seemed to be closing of its own accord somehow. I picked him in my arms and created my energy dragon. I flew high into the air over the city with Kai in my arms before flying towards the monastery as fast as I could. I was almost home when Kai suddenly started coughing. I helped him sit up on my dragon as we landed in the gardens. The guys came rushing outside as I let my dragon dissolve. I held Kai steady as Zane supported his right side.

"How the hell am I awake? My neck was snapped," Kai asked as he rubbed his neck, tugging at the bandages softly.

"Dude, your throat was all but ripped out," I said as I slowly undid the bloodstained bandages.

"I know. That part I remember," Kai said as I let out a gasp at the sight of his neck. "What?"

"There's nothing there. It's fully healed," I said as the guys came to look.

"How is this possible?" Cole asked, his ghostly form glowing dimly.

"Kai is still dead. I don't register a pulse. Do you know what attacked you?" Zane asked.

"Not really. All I remember Is something biting my neck and drinking my blood, then being forced to drink the blood of whatever had attacked me," Kai said as he stood up and began sniffing the air.

"Dude. This sounds like a classic vampire attack," Jay said freaking out as I noticed Kai's eyes turning black before I pinned him to the ground.

"Kai, snap out of it!" I yelled before turning to look at Cole and Zane. "You two protect the others from Kai. If he gets by me, do what you must."

"Lloyd, we can't leave you!" Jay yelled as Kai began struggling.

"Out of the five of us, right now, you are the most important! Nya needs you alive for her and the baby. Get inside to the safe room. I can handle Kai," I said, pinning the turning fire ninja below me.

"Be safe, Lloyd," Zane said before my three brothers went into the monastery.

Kai threw me off and pinned me to the wall of the monastery. I didn't have a chance. Kai ripped my gi from my neck and bit down. I struggled weakly as he drank my blood. I gripped the front of his gi and charged up an energy blast. Tears stung my eyes as I released the energy, sending Kai backwards and causing him to rip his fangs out of my neck. I went to my knees gripping my neck to try to stop the bleeding. I saw Kai getting up. I noticed that his eyes were normal as he bit down on his own wrist. I dizzily saw him rushing over to me and holding me just so. I felt him press his wrist to my lips and I drank his blood. I instantly began feeling better. Once I was strong enough, I pushed him away and leaned against the wall, panting as I regained my bearings.

"I'm so sorry, Lloyd. I didn't mean to attack. You just smelled delicious," Kai said with an apologetic look as I felt the neck wound close under my hand.

"Look. I'll let you feed from me, just ask me first before you attack me," I said, still panting and reeling from the attack.

"I can't stay here now that I am a monster," Kai said sadly as he sat beside me.

"Look, Kai. You aren't a monster. You're a brother," I said as I looked to him.

"I could feed from the others. I can't feed from you all the time. What if I kill you?" Kai asked quietly, unsure of himself.

"OK. How about this. What if you feed from Nya and she's still pregnant? What if you feed from Jay and accidentally kill him? And Wu and Misako? What about them? Even weak, I'm the only one strong enough to fight you off when you're in feeding mode. It has to be me. If you kill me, you kill me and I'll turn into a vampire, then we feed from each other," I said, making a point to Kai.

"I get it. We'll sneak off whenever I'm thirsty and I'll feed, but I hate doing it to you," Kai said as I noticed the sun beginning to peek over the horizon.

"We better get inside before the sun rises. If all the legends are true, I don't want my brother turning into a pile of ash," I said as I stood up, not expecting the wave of nausea that hit me.

Kai rushed to my side and supported me as we walked inside. He helped me up to my room and out of the bloodied remains of my shirt before laying me in my bed.

"Thanks, Kai," I said sleepily.

"No problem, dude," Kai said before he left the room and I passed out.

~Kai's POV~

I was almost to my room when I ran into Cole, literally.

"Where's Lloyd?" Cole asked.

"Sleeping. I attacked him and nearly killed him," I said, looking down in shame.

"Is he fine?" Cole asked.

"He's recuperating. I healed him after I had attacked him. He'll be fine as long as he isn't killed anytime soon," I said before I walked off as the sun crept closer.

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