part 7

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~Kai's POV~

Six months after Kineta and I first left, we were approaching the monastery. We had tried to return once before about two weeks after we had left, but found it impossible since the place was surrounded by other vampires. I helped Kineta learn to control her lunar powers. I managed to slip a warning note through to the others with my fire magic. We led the vampires on a wild goose chase all over Ninjago, discovering that they were out to kill us. We got the other elemental masters to help kill off the army that was chasing us and then hypnotized them into forgetting that they had seen us since we had visited them. Neuro was helpful in determining those that wished to have my head as well as Kineta's, allowing us to leave the few that wished to live in peace. During the six months that we were gone, we had all but emptied Ninjago of vampires, with only a dozen or so remaining other than Kineta and myself. We were in Borg's office the day of Halloween. We were both dressed in new gis that Borg had specifically made for us. I was in a deep ruby and black gi with black plate armor. I had a hood pulled over my head so you couldn't see my hair. I also had a plate of armor protecting my forehead and a plate that covered my mouth and acted like a mask. Between the hood and mask, all you could see were my eyes. Kineta was dressed similarly except her gi was a deep rich forest green. We both had on black cloaks with hoods that threw our faces in complete shadow so that all you could see was our glowing eyes. The bonus part about the cloaks was that they scrambled all facial recognition software to keep Zane and PIXAL from recognizing us if we were seen in a camera. Borg was dressed up as one of the Overlord's nindroids. Kineta and I stood near his desk as we talked.

"How are the others, Borg?" Kineta asked.

"They are attending a party downstairs in the lobby. You two are welcome to join me down there," Borg said before the elevator doors opened to reveal my brother-in-law, Jay, dressed up as a pirate captain.

~Jay's POV~

I stood in shock as the elevator doors opened to reveal to cloaked figures standing next to Borg's desk talking to the genius himself.

"Hello, Master of Lightning," the one on the left, a woman, said as she bowed to me.

"Um hi. Who are you?" I asked, cautiously, reaching for my nunchucks.

"Our identities will be revealed in time. For now, they must remain secret," the other person, obviously male, said in a low tone.

"When are you coming to the party, Borg? Everyone is waiting for you," I said.

"My friends and I will be in the lobby momentarily. Why don't you go tell them that we will be down there?" Borg asked me as the two cloaked people looked to each other.

"Sure," I said before I went back into the elevator.

Once I was back down in the lobby, I immediately made my way over to Nya and the others. I gathered them close so I could talk privately to them. Misako was back at the monastery taking care of Raia.

"Where is Borg?" Wu asked.

"He'll be coming down in a minute or two. He had two people with him, one male, the other female," I said over the loud music.

"Do you think it could be them?" Nya asked, eyes wide in worry for her brother.

"I have no idea. I couldn't see any facial details other than their eyes. They didn't talk in the way Kineta or Kai would. I do think that the two are vampire, because of the cloaks," I said as the elevator doors opened to reveal Borg and the two mysterious people.

"We haven't had any word from them since the phoenix Kai sent us a couple of weeks after they left. We've talked to all the elemental masters but they say they haven't seen them since they dropped by to visit," Zane said as we eyed the cloaked people curiously.

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