1. The Beginning of the End

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"Hi this is Scott's phone, sorry you can't reach me right now, you know what to do." BEEP.

"Scott you'd better pick your damn phone up before come and beat your werewolf ass!" Stiles yells into his phone as he runs in between panicked students towards his dorm.

Stiles doesn't get to finish because his phone gets knocked out of his hand when someone falls on him. Stiles doesn't scream but the terror that sets in when he meets the lifeless eyes of an undead is surreal. He recognised the girl as Cathy from reception, she wasn't particularly nice but no one deserves this. When he zones back in Cathy has now crawled onto his chest and almost has her teeth in his arm. He rolls her off and starts sprinting again. He would have to thank coach for all the suicide runs when -if- he goes back to Beacon Hills.

Stiles merely avoids getting bitten when he finally locks himself in his dorm. Stiles sighs and closes his eyes, briefly catching his breath. A familiar groaning hiss gets his attention and his heart stops when he sees his roommate, Josh, shuffling towards him. Stiles grips something from beside him and when Josh gets close enough he swings, the sound of crushing skull ready to haunt his dreams. The body crashes lifelessly to the floor and Stiles sits in his computer chair, still clutching the metal bat Mellisa gave him last Christmas.

Stiles must have zoned out again because he wasn't aware that the undead in his room had gotten back up. It grabs his arm and all most bites him but Stiles swings again. And again. And again.

Rules, Stiles decides, He needs rules. He grabs a sheet of paper and scribbles his list out, there are more to accumulate as life goes on but so far he had first and foremost Cardio and then double tap. Stiles is about to get up when he quickly writes #3 Don't be a hero.

Satisfied he goes and checks how much food and water he has. He fills as many buckets and bottles with water as he can before the water inevitably shuts off for good. Luckily Josh must have been collecting supplies when he got bit because there is tonnes of food and emergency supplies.

Stiles decides to ration his food out to last him one month before he has to go out so hopefully everything will have settled down by then. He locks and barricades the door and decides to use Josh's bed as a layout of everything useful he has. He places a sheet over the body then rolls that up in the rug before tossing it through the window. Stiles manages to keep the vomiting to only once. Unfortunately, the dorms don't have bathrooms. Stiles' floor has them at the end of the hall.

Stiles, with bat in hand, swings his door open after removing his makeshift barricade. There isn't anyone within sight and all the doors are closed so it's a clean shot from what he can see. There is blood spurts and bodies everywhere but nothing moves so Stiles starts jogging, keeping his eyes open and darting around. He's made it to the door but as he goes to open the door he notices a bloody handprint on the handle. Stiles takes a huge step back, tripping on a body causing a loud thud. The bathroom door slams open and an undead comes stumbling out. He, unlike all the others stiles has come across, doesn't have blood nor gore dripping from broken teeth, no, this one looks almost human.

It's eyes snap to Stiles and stiles jumps up and goes to swing but stops short when he see's the human look in its eyes. The undead takes the opportunity to lunge at Stiles, knocking the bat out of reach. Stiles turns to run but his shoe laces trip him up and he falls onto his chest, winding himself. The undead is running at him, faster than previous encounters. Stiles barely grabs the bat when the undead has his legs and only just manages to hit him before being bitten, Stiles swings again and smashes its skull in. As for needing to use the bathroom... that was no longer a problem. Stiles sighs at the stain in his jeans as he heads back to the dorm.

#1 Cardio #2 Double Tap #3 Don't Be a Hero
#4 Hit or Be Bit, Hesitation Kills #5 Beware of Bathrooms #6 Double Tie Shoe Laces

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