"Yup," Alina wiggle her toes in her shoes. She felt nervous. "Best party I've been too."

"I'm glad you like my party," Brad chuckled.

"Wait, this is your house?" Brad nodded. "Oh didn't know. It's nice."

"Thanks," he smiles. "But tomorrow I'll be busy cleaning and worse, with a hangover." Alina chuckled.

"Must suck," Alina looked at him.

"Yup," Brad stood up. "Want to dance?" Alina no and took his hand.

They went inside and danced.

As they danced, they drank beer. Alina was so attractive to him. She didn't care about anything else, and her friends stood nearby chatting. They gave her little looks of encouragement. Alina only rolled her eyes.

Through the whole night, she danced with Brad. And she was drunk.

The next morning, she woke up, feeling sick. She felt nausea and dizzy. A terrible headache. Usually, this never happens, but it's happening now.

She stood up and stagger out of bed. She didn't know where to go, but somehow she found the bathroom. There she washed her face. When she finally looked in the mirror, she gasps. She was completed naked, with red spots scattered around her pale skin. She immediately ran back out and found Brad sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Did we?" Alina looked at him. He looked back.

"I guess we did," he stood. "Sorry, I don't think I use a condom." Alina gasp. "Ah, we must've had drank too much."

"Yeah," she ran over to the bed and grabbed her clothes off the floor. She began to get dress. "Ah, you ripped my panties?" She held up the shredded panties. "What are you? A wolf?"

"No," he chuckles. "I'm sorry, I'll buy you some."

"No," she glared and looked throw the drawer. "I'll use your boxers then." She slipped them on and slipped her dress. "I'll see you later."

Alina rushed out without saying anything else. She didn't stop until she reached outside. Once outside Alina took a deep breath. Screw it; she's screw. Probably pregnant.

And she was. A few weeks later she found out she was pregnant. And she couldn't tell Brad. So she left.

But now she can back and was determined to give birth and give the child to Brad.

So here she was rubbing her belly. She had a few days before she would give birth.

When that day came, she went to an underground hospital for non-humans. She waited for a few days before taking the baby to Brad. But she waited until it was dark. Once it was night, she walked over to the house and hid in the shadows. She set the baby down inside a baby car seat. Alina made sure to cover him up well. She set the diaper bag down which had things for the baby and money. Then she placed the note next to the baby and rang the doorbell.

Alina ran and hid behind a tree on the other side of the street. She waited.

The door opened up, and an older woman stood there. The woman looked around then looked down.

"Oh my goodness!" She gasps and bends down to pick the baby up. "Brad!" Alina heard her yell. Seconds later, Brad walked out. "You mind explaining, why is your baby doing out here in the cold?"

"M..m..my ba..ba..baby?" Brad looked at the baby. Then at the note, his mother held. He took it and read it.


I'm sorry I didn't tell you about me having a baby. But I was scared you wouldn't want it. So I left and came back. I gave birth and decided the baby will be safer with you. Take good care of him, his name Xane Bradley, and you'll have to register him with your name. I'm sorry about this. But I can't bring a baby home to my family. They'll ground me for life. Someday I'll come back when I'm mature. Please forgive me. But know, it was your fault too. For not using a condom that night. And just so you know, it was my first time. See you around Brad.

Lots of love, Alina.

"That girl," Brad sigh. "Great."

"You're a bad father," his mother smack him. "Come on little one. Oh, aren't you handsome? You're more handsome than this guy his. Yes, you are. Bring those things in."

Brad nod and brought the baby things in. He looked around and shrugged.

Alina sigh once they were inside. She wonders, did she do the right thing?

Someday she'll find out.

She spread her wings and flew away into the night.


This Alina story, Luke's and Calvin's little sister.

It's before the chaos. Anyways, I hope you like.

It's just her love story and about what happened to her.





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