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I gaze down at the smallest creature I have ever seen as I picked her up off of my doorstep. I cradled her in my arms as she scanned my lair. Her gaze caught with mine and I was able to examine her exquisite beauty. She had my golden eyes and my lips, but every other feature she had was all from Christine, her mother. Suddenly I felt a cold breeze and felt my daughter curl her tiny body up against mine. I knew she was freezing so I brought her inside along with the things that she was left with. Which isn't much. All she has is a bright blue blanket, two bottles, one package of formula (I think), and some diapers. I closed the door behind us and I gently sat in my bed while holding my child. My child. How can I possibly be a father? Maybe I should give her to someone who can be a better parent than I can and give her a life I can't. I thought to myself. I felt her body go limp. I looked down at her once again and discovered that she had only just fallen asleep. I sighed in relief. I caught sight of a ghost of a smile on her beautiful face as she curled up against me once again. I also saw that she had gathered a portion of my shirt into her tiny fist. It was at that moment that I made my final decision as to what I was going to do. I'm not going to give her away. I'm going to give her everything a life with me has to offer. I'm going to show her how loved she is, even if I have to do it alone. I bent down and kissed her small forehead. I smiled against it as I did so. I realized that once she wakes up she might be hungry. I gently set her down on my bed and grabbed a bottle and some formula from the basket she was in. I started to make her bottle when I heard her crying. I put the bottle down and rushed over to her to see what was the matter. I checked to see if she needed her diaper changed and she didn't. I picked her up and immediately she stopped crying. I saw her fading away again and I set her back down, only to hear her start screaming again. I pick her up immediately and she stopped crying once again. Then I got an idea.

Night time sharpens. Heightens each sensation. Darkness stirs and wakes imagination. Silently the senses abandon their defenses.

Her eyes start to close once more as I set her down on my bed once more without her crying. I realized that she didn't have a name yet and I thought of the perfect one. Elena. This is the beginning of our lives together. Me and my beautiful angel Elena.

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