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The joys of those who love you always come at a price. For the only time in our great lives of joy and happiness, can come great anguish and self doubt. Well that is how I feel at this very moment, the moments were me and my husband, Mark, sat on the floor together as his bruises developed and the blood dried on his tan skin. His beautiful brown eyes were blackened by the hatred of my father. Pa, I shuddered at what had happened only a few moments ago. Stroking the tuffs of his long red hair, Mark began to stir from unconsciousness, flickering his eyes to test the bright light.  

"Oh my god, baby are you okay?" Mark laid in my lap for a few moments before his eyes opened, and he jolted up from my knees to sit up. He grasped his temple, gritting his teeth in pain. His pain made me wince as his teeth rubbed together to make an obnoxious squeaking sound. The sound make me cringe and looked at Mark squeeze his head harder.

"Honey, be careful. You just got your head smashed, your bruised and bleeding and-" Mark turned hurriedly to to look deep into my eyes, grasping my cheeks softly but all together firmly. His soft touch was enough to make my eyes start to water with love and hope.

"Did he hurt you? Are YOU okay baby-boy?" Mark fretted, looking me over. He turned and scanned each of my cheeks and my skin. Nothing hurt, nor did a hand ever touch me. I latched onto Mark's perfectly tanned neck before leaning in to kiss him, his lips moving in sync with mine. Mark smiled in the kiss, pulling me in deeper by grasping the hair in the back of my head. Mark pulled away to bring me into an embrace, pulling me in close to his chest. 

"Mark, I'm so glad you're okay," I stated, a few stray tears flowing down from my cheeks, the stress building up in my shoulders and heart instantly melting by the warm touch of my husband. Mark pushed me gently to get a good look at my face, holding it slightly in his hands. 

"If anything were to happen to you, I would never forgive myself. You're worth more to me than the earth, then the dream of going into space, then my own family." He looked me straight in my eyes before kissing the top of my head and looking down at my belly. 

"Even more now that we're starting our own family," Mark place his hands off my cheek and onto the little bumpy belly. Feeling the warm piece of skin underneath my shirt. Mark took my hand gently in his and slowly pulled me forward for another kiss. But this one was more passionate, filled with more meaning then before. His lips moved more dominantly over mine, kissing softly but rough all the same. I through my arm around Marks neck, bringing him in closer, and kissing deeper. Slowly, Mark laid down on his back, bringing me forward without disconnecting our lips. My arm moved from around Mark's neck and slid it slowly down Mark's red lucky flannel. Unbuttoning the top buttons of Mark's shirt, I rested my hand on his right peck. Quickly Mark wrapped his thick, muscular arms around my waist. 

Suddenly there was a ring that echoed in through the house which pulled Mark away from me, to stand and answer the ringing sound. Mark turned the barrier, and a moment later the squeak of the door allowed me to know that Mark had opened the door.

"Shh, he's in the living room," I heard Mark whisper. I quickly got to my feet to sit myself on the white cotton couch and waited for Mark to return. Only after a few minutes of waiting, Mark came back into the living room and sat next to me. 

"There are some people here for you," and as timing would have it, loads of people walked in through the room. All of them I recognized. The first two that I had recognized was Bob and Wade, they were dressed decently. Bob wore a black and blue checkered sweater with a a light grey undershirt, with some jeans and black tennis shoes. Wade wore a red shirt with a large cubed W on the front. The next people that I had noticed was Felix, Marzia, and Ken. Ken had cut back his beard to where it clung to his skin. He wore his bear hat with a plain black shirt some jeans, and flip flops. Felix had grown out his beard to about two inches, a dirty blond beard. He just wore a white shirt with some sweat pants and went bare foot. While on the other hand, Marzia was dressed rather nicely. She wore her makeup, with a white dress that came to her knees with tan leg boots. 

"Wh-What are you guys doing here," my mouth stuttered words. Felix and Marzia looked at each other and Ken snuck a quick glance at Mark, and kept a stare at me after Mark.

"Mark invited us over, we don't know why." Bob stated matter-of-factually. Wade glance a look at me and smiled widely. 

"Oh, my, god. Jack you put on a few pounds didn't you," Wade snickered. Smiled toward me and Mark, Mark didn't seem that amused, though. 

"That's actually what I wanted you all here for," Mark glanced around to room just to stand up and helped me up as well. Mark wrapped a hand around my shoulder to hug me tight. The attention toward me began to get rather tense as everyone stared in my direction.

"You wanted to talk about how much weight your husband is gaining?" Wade asked, sneering a little in the process. Mark's body got tense with anger as his muscles seem to tighten around my shoulder. 

"Shut up Wade!" Mark snapped, sending chills down my back as he let go of my shoulder and grabbed Wade by the collar of his shirt. "For your information, Jack is expecting you half knowing cow!" Mark snarled at Wade, letting him go only to stare aggressively at Wade. The room went silent for what seemed like an hour until Felix spoke up.

"You're pregnant, that's great!" Felix perked up, reaching over to pull me into an embrace and squeezed me gently. I hugged back, only squeezing back lightly. Ken was next, while I was still in Felix's embrace came up to hug me from the back. Mark was smiling with pride, allowing Bob to give him some congratulations. Ken and Felix let go in order to talk to Mark. Wade on the other hand stood at the edge of the crowd, giving me a ugly expression. I excused myself from the crowd to go and talk to him. 

"Wade, are you okay?" I questioned, looking to meet Wade's eye, but he just gave me a frown.

"He won't have you much longer," Wade sneered and snarled, folding his arms over his chest and pushed me out of the way as he walked over to Mark. What the hell was that supposed to mean? I pushed the thought to the back of my mind, but it managed to look into my thoughts every time I thought of something. I just need some rest, this day has been very eventful, I looked around for Mark but he was no where to be seen. What the hell! He was here only seconds ago! I looked around for him in the little circle of people, but he wasn't there. I circled around the bend towards the kitchen and I caught him with Wade, talking. 

"Jack.... my husband.... love him," I couldn't hear Mark very clearly when he whispered. But Wade seemed to be hurt by the comment Mark had given to him. 

"Look, with this baby, you already ruined Jack's life. Now he has to raise a kid that he's probably not ready for. And what about the operation that has to be done on him when he gives birth, most of the time the men down make it. What makes you so sure that he will?" Wade snapped at Mark, Mark seem to think for a moment but couldn't answer. Mark seemed to look at Wade pathetically in the eyes, searching for any kind of sympathy. Tear rocked in my eyes once more. Operation? I stepped back to join the crowd once more in the living room, before grabbing one of Mark's hoodies hanging for a hook by the front door and hurriedly slipped it on.

I opened to door and stepped out into the fresh air of summer. The wind blew into my face, while the warm of the sun was setting over the houses and plain. I closed the door behind me and began a little walk out on the side walk. Operation? Death? I won't survive. The things Wade had mentioned stuck with me, what did he mean? 

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