Death city

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(A/N: This is the sequel to Maka's little sister if you didn't read the tittle. Anyways.....)

Normal POV

       "I need to keep going." You panted, as you ran through the alley ways of Death city. "I can't go back any more. I hope it's the right choice." You continued to run, as rain poured down on Death city. Sweat dripped down the side of your head, as you desperately tried to catch your breath.

     The sound of thunder and lightning would make you jump back a bit. You would also frantically look back, hoping no one was following close behind you. Especially her.....

    You were stopped, as a rock stood in your way. Causing you to fall on to the hard concrete floor. The familiar smell of rust filled your nose. Quickly letting a hiss leave your lips, and holding your knee close to you. Blood flowed down your knee, and would continue to flow.

   "Well look at this Spirit." A huge shadow hung over you. There stood a strange man with silver hair, and a huge screw coming out of the side of his head. Stiches covered almost his entire body, as a glare formed on the side of his glasses. He slightly intimidated you, but you weren't going to let it show. Even if you did feel your body shake a bit.

   A man with bright red hair stood next to him. He just let a hum in response. "What should we do with her?" A huge smirk spread across his face, slightly scaring you more. Quickly you tried to stand up, but fell back down. Due to the pain from your knee, and letting a hiss out.

    "Whow, take it easy." The man with the bright hair tried reassuring you. "Stay back! I know how to defend myself, or else your going to get hurt!" You threaten. The man with the screw started laughing at your poor excuse of a threat. This flustered you, as a small blush spread across your cheeks.

    "Cute!" The guy with the red hair, lifted you up in the air and started hugging you tightly. "Put me down!" You started kicking your feet in the air, hoping he would put you down. "She reminds me of my cute little Maka!" He started hugging you even tighter, as your face started changing colors. Due to the loss of Oxygen. "Spirit, almost everyone reminds you of Maka." The guy with the screw sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose.

     "Yah, but she's different." He reassured him, as he loosened the grip on you. Quickly gasping for air, and regaining your color back. 'I can already tell I'll hate this guy' You thought, and slightly glared at him. "Let's take her to Lord Death, and bandage that wound." The guy with the screw ordered, with the man with red hair quickly following behind him, with you in his arms.

    'Lord Death?' His name slightly intimidated you, but you went along with it. Hoping that you would finally get some answers.

   "Hey kid, the names Stein." The guy with the screw turned back, and smiled. "And that's Spirit. What's yours?" 

   "(Y-Y/N)" You answered, slightly unsure. But going along with it.


A Love never Forgotten- (Death the Kid X Reader)~ Maka's little sister sequel Where stories live. Discover now